The black moth


Buenas noches amigos, estoy algo enferma de gripe y la única cosa que he querido hacer estos últimos dos días es dibujar, me ayuda un poco a distraer la mente del malestar general, esta vez quiero presentar un dibujo que me encanto muchísimo, pues quise experimentar con tonos verdes y un retrato bastante cerca, para este retrato quise añadir una ala de polilla esta ala la quise hacer de negro y con unos pequeños ojos saliendo de las alas, es una idea que se fue desarrollando poco a poco pero que al final el resultado me enamoro. Espero que les guste.

Good evening friends, I'm a bit sick with flu and the only thing I've wanted to do these last two days is draw, it helps me a little to distract my mind from the general malaise, this time I want to present a drawing that I loved a lot, because I wanted to experiment with green tones and a fairly close portrait, for this portrait I wanted to add a moth wing I wanted to make this wing black and with small eyes coming out of the wings, it is an idea that developed little by little but that in the end I fall in love with the result.
Hope you like.

Corazón banner (1).png


Realice mi boceto esto me llevo algo de tiempo, pues, tenia muchas ideas en mente finalmente realice un ala de polilla que esta prácticamente incrustada en el ojo y dentro tendría otros ojos pero esta vez blancos, elegí una paleta de colores verdes en su mayoría verdes desaturados, algunos tonos oliva y beige, comencé a rellenar el rostro con los tonos base y en una nueva capa agregue mas colores, asi definiría mejor la forma, para el cabello use un tono verde oscuro.

I made my sketch, this took me some time, because I had many ideas in mind, finally I made a moth wing that is practically embedded in the eye and inside I would have other eyes but this time white, I chose a green color palette, mostly green desaturated, some olive and beige tones, I started to fill the face with the base tones and in a new layer I added more colors, so I would better define the shape, for the hair I used a dark green tone.

Suavice la piel mezclando todos los tonos con el pincel en una opacidad media, agregue reflejos de luz al cabello con un verde claro, usando un tono verde muy oscuro casi negro, pinte el ala de la polilla, difumine bien la orilla de esta ala para dar ese efecto de que esta pegada a la piel, comencé a añadir algunas luces y asi darle mas vida al rostro, luego comencé a pintar los pequeños ojos en el ala de la polilla, para agregarle mas dramatismo en el ojo, aplique un poco de rojo dentro para darle un tono mas rojizo.

Soften the skin by blending all the shades with the brush at a medium opacity, add highlights to the hair with a light green, using a very dark green tone almost black, paint the wing of the moth, blend the edge of this wing well to To give that effect that it is stuck to the skin, I started to add some highlights and thus give more life to the face, then I started to paint the little eyes on the wing of the moth, to add more drama to the eye, I applied a little bit of red inside to give it a more reddish tone.

En el fondo aplique un tono verde oscuro y luego se me ocurrió agregar algunas luces con amarillo y blanco, finalmente aplique un ajuste de color para darle mas intensidad a la imagen.

In the background I applied a dark green tone and then it occurred to me to add some highlights with yellow and white, finally I applied a color adjustment to give the image more intensity.

Corazón banner (1).png


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP-PEN deco 01 v2


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP- PEN DECO 01 V2

Foundation: alexa-artx
Rarible : alexaart
KnownOrigin: alexaart
Terra Virtua: AlexaArt
Opensea: alexa-art
Makersplace: alexaartx
Ghostmarket : alexa
NFT Showroom:
Twitter: Alexa_Ys



WoW eres increibilmente buena a dibujar!! Saludos! 🤗

!discovery 34


It was so good and truly artistic. Although the process seems easy I know it's really hard.
The details is so impressive and I totally love it.

Thank you for sharing this post on HIVE!

Your content got selected by our fellow curator priyanarc & you just received a little thank you upvote from us for your great work! Your post will be featured in one of our recurring compilations which are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within the DIY scene of Hive. Stay creative & HIVE ON!

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