Splinterlands art contest | Mimosa Nightshade



Feliz inicio de semana de este nuevo año para todos, en especial para aquellos compañeros artistas que participan en este concurso, al igual al equipo de @Splinterlands , para esta semana he elegido una carta que me ha atraído muchísimo, Mimosa Nightshade es una carta que estéticamente es atractiva a mis ojos, me parece muy linda en general el personaje, también la he elegido por que leí un poco su historia, me gusto el hecho de saber que posee el don del control mental, es fascinante, los tonos fríos que maneja esta carta es algo que también me atrajo muchísimo, si se dan cuenta suelo trabajar mucho con estos tonos porque son con los que mas cómoda me siento, me transmiten mucha paz al momento de dibujar. Para esta representación de Mimosa quise hacer una especie de retrato que mostrara un poco de su traje, dándole mas detalles al rostro, para el traje quise hacer una especie de cuero, creo que es la primera vez que pinto algo de este material asi que no me juzguen jaja, se ve bien a pesar de no ser perfecto, de verdad espero que les guste esta versión de Mimosa.

Happy start to the week of this new year for everyone, especially for those fellow artists who participate in this contest, as well to @Splinterlands team, for this week I have chosen a card that has attracted me a lot, Mimosa Nightshade is a card that Aesthetically it is attractive to my eyes, I find the character very pretty in general, I have also chosen her because I read her story a bit, I liked the fact of knowing that she has the gift of mental control, she is fascinating, the cold tones that we can see in this card is something that also attracted me a lot, if you realize I usually work a lot with these tones because are the ones I feel most comfortable with, it give me a lot of peace when i’m drawing.
For this representation of Mimosa I wanted to make a kind of portrait that would show a bit of her outfit, giving more details to the face, for the outfit I wanted to make a kind of leather, I think it's the first time I've painted something of this material so I don't judge me haha, it looks good despite not being perfect, I really hope you like this version of Mimosa.

Mimosa Nightshade.png


Corazón banner (1).png


Realice el boceto guiándome por la imagen de la carta, intente hacer el traje similar ya que me gusta mucho como es realmente al igual que los colores, elegí la paleta de colores para la piel, eran tonos muy cálidos, luego decidí cambiar un poco la tonalidad, pero muy sutil usando tonos fríos, para los ojos, al principio quería hacer todo el ojo en rojo pero no me gustaba como se veía, asi que deje la parte blanca del ojo y solo resalte de rojo su iris, empecé a pintar la ropa colocando tonos base en diferentes capas para trabajar mejor y un poco mas ordenado.

I made the sketch guiding myself by the image of the original card, I tried to make the suit similar since I really like how it is and the colors, I chose the color palette for the skin, it were very warm tones, then I decided to change a bit the tonality of these colors, but very subtle using cold tones, for the eyes, at first I wanted to do the whole eye in red but I didn't like how it looked, so I left the white part of the eye and just highlighted with red the iris, I started to paint the clothes placing base tones in different layers to work better and a little more orderly.

Poco a poco comencé a dar detalle a cada prenda de la ropa, usando tonos oscuros y claros según el color que estaba pintando, creando asi varios pliegues y texturas en la ropa, coloqué un tono lila claro de base para el cabello y comencé a dar detalles con lilas más pálidos claros y oscuros.

Little by little I began to give detail to each item of clothing, using dark and light tones depending on the color I was painting, thus creating various folds and textures in the clothes, I placed a light lilac tone as a base for the hair and began to give details with light and dark paler lilacs.

Ahora tocaba pintar esta especie de poder que tiene entre las manos, es una de las cosas que mas me gusto de esta carta y tenía muchas ganas de hacerlo, la pinte como si fuese una especie de llamarada morada con azul, entrelazándose por sus dedos, para el fondo quería algo realmente sencillo asi que hice este fondo con un aspecto metálico, agregue mas detalles al poder en su mano haciendo que iluminase un poco mas, así como también pinte algunos destellos de luz que hicieran resaltar algunas zonas del dibujo, finalmente aplique un ajuste de color a toda la imagen agregando una profundidad e intensidad mas fuerte.

Now it was time to paint this kind of power that she has in the hands, it is one of the things that I liked the most about this card and I really wanted to do it, I painted it as if it were a kind of purple and blue flare, intertwining through her fingers, For the background I wanted something really simple so I made this background with a metallic aspect, I added more details to the power in her hand making it illuminate a little more, as well as I painted some flashes of light that made some areas of the drawing stand out, finally I applied a color adjustment to the entire image adding a stronger depth and intensity.

Corazón banner (1).png


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP-PEN deco 01 v2


  • Photoshop CC 2019
  • XP- PEN DECO 01 V2

Foundation: alexa-artx
Rarible : alexaart
KnownOrigin: alexaart
Terra Virtua: AlexaArt
Opensea: alexa-art
Makersplace: alexaartx
Ghostmarket : alexa
NFT Showroom: alexa.art
Twitter: Alexa_Ys



I would try drawing too now this year in realism but i still don't get how to like find art contests like this


Her suit is stunning! Excellent realism!!!


Oh thank you! I do my best for her suits 🤗


Love that glow in her eyes. So beautiful Alexa, well done


Amazing! The pose and the looks tht she has are so natural (the way she is slightly curved makes her look "alive"). Terrific work, have a great success with the contest.


Thanks alot 🙏🏻 I was scared with her pose at the beginning but I love it after finish it 💗


The texture and colors really generate an impressive as well as captivating visual impact. It is attractive and enveloping in every way, I loved this artistic representation you have created of Mimosa.


Thank you so much 🥰 I appreciate it
