My first tres leches cake
Greetings friends.
Today I will share with you my experience making tres leches cake for the first time, tomorrow my husband will have his birthday and he really wanted a tres leches cake, however, this time instead of buying it, I wanted to make it myself and I really don't know if it turned out well or not because we will taste it tomorrow, but I have a lot of faith that it turned out well, the preparation is not as complicated as I imagined, but it did make me feel a little strange to follow a cake recipe different from the one I usually make, this time I needed a cake that was a little harder than the one I usually make so it would not fall apart if it was too soft, it was a challenge and I hope it was worth it, here I share with you the ingredients and the preparation process.
4 Huevos
Dos tazas de harina de trigo leudante
165 gr de azúcar
Una pizca de polvo de hornear
1 Pizca de sal
Un chorrito de ron
Cucharadita de vainilla
- 395 Gr de leche condensada
- 395 gr de crema de leche
- 395 gr de leche entera
3 huevos
Una taza y media de azúcar
4 eggs
2 cups of leavening wheat flour
165 grams of sugar
A pinch of baking powder
1 pinch of salt
A splash of rum
Teaspoon of vanilla
- 395 gr of condensed milk
- 395 gr of cream
- 395 gr of whole milk
3 eggs
One and a half cups of sugar
Before starting I greased the pan where I would make my cake with butter to prevent it from sticking, in another container I added the 4 eggs and began to beat until the mixture became quite clear, then I added the sugar, vanilla and a little rum, I beat again until all the ingredients are dissolved.
Little by little I added the flour which I began to beat with a mixer but then I used a spoon because the mixture was too thick, after integrating all the ingredients I placed my mixture in the pan and put it in the preheated oven at 180 degrees, I let it bake for exactly 40 minutes.
I let it cool a little and while I started to mix the condensed milk, cream and whole milk in a blender, with a stick I started to make holes in the cake to better absorb the milks, with a large spoon I started to add the mixture filling the entire cake, then covered with foil and put it in the refrigerator, letting it stand for about 3 hours.
After 3 hours I started to make the meringue, I separated 3 egg whites and placed them in a pot with a cup and a half of sugar in a double boiler until the sugar was completely dissolved. Then I took it to a larger container and began to beat until I obtained the texture of meringue.
The cake has already absorbed all the milk and now I started to add the meringue on top, I don't have piping bags to decorate properly so I put the mixture on top and with a spoon I gave it the shape of peaks, I also added some cinnamon on top.
At first glance it looks very pretty and I hope it tastes good hahaha, I'm very scared because it's the first time I prepare this kind of cake but if it didn't turn out well at least I have the experience and I know I can improve for the next one.
Para lucirse en cualquier reunión. Gracias por la receta, la reblogueé para tenerla presente
Genial! espero que te quede bien