I invite you to meet my new cat Mili and her great story 😸



Hola linda comunidad 🐾 he estado bastante contenta porque recientemente hay un nuevo miembro de la familia, les quiero contar un poco de su historia ya que a su corta edad es una gatita realmente valiente y fuerte. “Mili” es el diminutivo de Milagro, es un nombre que me suena algo chistoso pero a la vez es un hecho total de que esta pequeña gatita es un milagro.

Hello beautiful community 🐾 I have been quite happy because recently there is a new member of the family, I want to tell you a little about her story since at her young age she is a really brave and strong kitten.
“Mili” is short for Miracle (Milagro in spanish) , it is a name that sounds somewhat funny to me but at the same time it is a total fact that this little kitten is a miracle.

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Mili nació siendo una gatita de pelaje bastante claro, mi mama la vio junto con sus 3 hermanitos abandonados ya que al parecer su madre no los quería, mas adelante nos dimos cuenta del porqué. Mi madre fue quien la consiguió por casa, otras personas decidieron adoptar a los otros dos hermanos y Mili fue la única que quedo sin hogar, al pasar los días mi mamá noto que Mili estaba un poco decaída, se veía enferma y con poco ánimo, mi mamá decidió cuidarla por un tiempo hasta que notó que algo andaba realmente mal, resulta que Mili tenía un absceso creciendo justo en su cuello, cada vez fue empeorando hasta el punto que no podía respirar bien, mantenía su boquita abierta para poder suspirar, no podía moverse, estaba muy mal, en el edificio donde mi mamá vive hay un veterinario el cual ayudo a extirparle el absceso y le mando tratamiento, sin embargo el tratamiento la estaba empeorando, Mili tenía una gran infección y no servía nada de lo que mandaba ese veterinario, después de varios días de agonía mi mama decidió pedir ayuda a algunas personas del edificio y le facilitaron ir a otro veterinario, esta vez le mandaron un tratamiento totalmente diferente y le dijeron a mi mama que la estaba matando el tratamiento que le mando el veterinario anterior.

Mili was born as a kitten with quite light fur, my mother saw her along with her 3 little brothers abandoned since apparently her mother did not want them, later we realized why.
My mother was the one who see her for first time, other people decided to adopt the other two kittens and Mili was the only one left homeless. As the days went by my mom noticed that Mili was a little down, she looked sick and in low spirits, My mom decided to take care of her for a while until she noticed that something was really wrong, it turns out that Mili had an abscess growing right on her neck, each time it got worse to the point that she couldn't breathe well, she kept her mouth open to sigh, she could’t move, she was in very bad situation, in the building where my mother lives there is a veterinarian who helped to remove the abscess and sent her treatment, however the treatment was making her worse, Mili had a serious infection and nothing of what that vet sent was useless, after several days of agony my mom decided to ask for help from some people in the building and they made it easier for her to go to another vet, this time they gave her a totally different treatment and told my mom that That the treatment that the previous vet gave her was killing her.


Finalmente, aunque poco a poco se fue viendo mejoría en Mili, ya caminaba un poco mas que antes y podía respirar mejor, estaba mas activa, el tratamiento d e esta nueva veterinaria tardo casi un mes, pero realmente valio la pena, aunque les cuento esto algo resumido créanme que fueron días de tristeza y angustia, pensando que Mili no sobreviviría, estaba prácticamente muerta, por otro lado uno de sus hermanos murió y el otro sobrevivió siendo adoptado por una familia que lo llena de amor, ahora Mili vive con nosotros por un tiempo, mi mama vino hace poco y pude conocerla, aun no puedo creer la gran diferencia que ha tenido esa Mili casi al borde de la muerte con la Mili actual.

Finally, although little by little she gets better, she was already walking a little more than before and could breathe better, she was more active, the treatment from this new veterinarian took almost a month, but it was really worth it, although I tell you this like a brief history, believe me, these were days of sadness and anguish, thinking that Mili would not survive, she was practically dead, on the other hand, one of her brothers died and the other survived being adopted by a family that fills him with love, now Mili lives with us for for a while, my mom came recently and I was able to meet her, I still can't believe the big difference that Mili, almost on the verge of death, has had with the current Mili.



Ahora Mili es una gata saludable y llena de vida, es super juguetona pero también le encanta que le den cariño, ronronea muy fuerte y ya sabe donde hacer sus necesidades! Es bastante inteligente y rápida, ya aprendió a escalar y saltar un poco mas alto, me costo muchísimo tomarles estas fotos porque como les dije es muy activa y corre a toda velocidad, siempre quiere estar jugando y no le gusta estar mucho tiempo sola, es una gatita demasiado adorable, según lei es una gata “snowshoe” esto lo investigue porque me pareció muy curioso su pelaje, era como un gatito siamés pero con la patas blancas y algunas manchas que normalmente los siameses no tienen.

Now Mili is a healthy cat and full of life, she is super playful but she also loves to be cared, she purrs very loudly and she already knows where to relieve herself! She is quite intelligent and fast, she has already learned to climb and jump a little higher, it cost me a lot to take these photos because as I told you, she is very active and runs at full speed, she always wants to be playing and she does not like to be alone for long, it is A kitten that is too adorable, according to what I have read is a “snowshoe” cat, I investigated this because its fur seemed very curious to me, it was like a Siamese kitten but with white legs and some spots that Siamese do not normally have.




Su pelaje va cambiando cada día, cada día noto sus orejitas mas oscuras al igual que su rostro mas perfilado y con mas manchitas, cada día se ve mas preciosa, se nota que es feliz y también nos hace felices a nosotros, toda la familia estados encariñados con esta pequeña bebe gatita y esperamos que podamos compartir muchísimas cosas mas con ella.

Her fur is changing every day, every day I notice her darker ears as well as her more outlined face and with more spots, every day she looks more beautiful, it shows that she is happy and it also makes us happy, the whole family states fond of this little baby kitten and we hope that we can share many more things with her.





Estos últimos dos años perdí a mis dos gatitos que pasaron conmigo muchísimos años, Kitty con 11 años y Alan con 8 años, pensé que esa herida quedaría abierta por mucho tiempo y si, aun duele pero al ver a Mili veo una nueva oportunidad de amar y darle ese hogar que se merece, por ser tan valiente y fuerte.

These last two years I lost my two kittens who have spent many years with me, Kitty at 11 years old and Alan at 8 years old, I thought that this wound would remain open for a long time and yes, it still hurts but when I see Mili I see a new opportunity to love and give her that home she deserves, for being so brave and strong.



Qué lindas son las historias con final feliz! Te felicito por el esfuerzo que hicieron y que ahora esté bien, saca una sonrisa a cualquiera, el nombre es idóneo! Hermosa MILI ♥


Muchisimas gracias, esta es una historia demasiado hermosa, yo juraba que nunca podria contarla,pero por suerte todo salio bien, saludos!


That's so wholesome it melts my heart Good thing u adopted it milli is the cutest 🥺❤️


Thank you! 😍 yeah she's adorable


She is super cuttie! those blue eyes, incredible......cats are very strong animals, and they do recover from crazy stuff.....and im glad she found you, see i think she knew what happened to your other cats, and thats why she showed up in your life.....it is not by the chance, it is the way it suppose to be....i bet she is one of your other cats in new body, and let me guess - the cats you lost, were they sick before they died?
I lost my best friend cat, she was very sick at the end....but she came back in form of small kitten that found us, not the other way around, and funny she was a bit sick....like the other cat came back but not fully recovered.....
anyway, Happy New Year to you and youe kitten, all the best and a lot of health!

Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!


Thanks for commenting, it's funny, I've always thought about reincarnation, especially in animals, maybe it's like that, my cats were very sick before they died, it was quite sad, I don't know if they came back in Mili, it would be something super crazy, but quite interesting


Yes its interesting and intriguing at the same time, but im pretty sure one of them came back.....they have many lifes..... just watch Mili as she grows, im sure she will show one of your older cats behaviors etc.... just let her be and enjoy,,,,,

Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!


So Beautiful!
I Love 😍 Cats, glad you are taking care of her!
