Allergies and many other problems



Hace unas dos semanas mi hijo apareció con una erupción extraña en su mano, en el momento no le dimos demasiada importancia ya que creíamos que era porque había tocado alguna planta que le causo esa reacción alérgica, después pasaron los días y me di cuenta que se veía cada vez mas pronunciado, intente con una crema que tengo en casa que funciona muchísimo para eso, pero tampoco hizo ningún efecto, el error, como siempre, es dejarse llevar por los comentarios de los demás y le hicimos caso a un familiar de comprar una crema que, leyendo un poco mas sus componentes y el propósito de esa crema me di cuenta que era una crema para hongos, por un momento pensé que podría funcionar ya que probablemente si tendría un hongo, todo esto después de revisar si había un dermatólogo cerca de la zona donde vivo y lamentablemente no hay dermatólogos, por eso intentamos y pusimos toda nuestra fe en esta crema, tampoco hizo absolutamente nada y decidimos suspender su aplicación.

About two weeks ago my son appeared with a strange rash on his hand, at the time we did not give too much importance because we thought it was because he had touched a plant that caused an allergic reaction, then the days passed and I realized that it looked more and more pronounced, I tried a cream that I have at home that works a lot for that, but it did not do any effect, the mistake, as always, is to get carried away by the comments of others and we listened to a relative to buy a cream, reading a little more its components and the purpose of that cream I realized that it was a cream for fungus, for a moment I thought it could work since I would probably have a fungus, all this after checking if there was a dermatologist near the area where I live and unfortunately there are no dermatologists, so we tried and put all our faith in this cream, it did not do absolutely nothing and we decided to suspend its use.

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A pesar de que poco a poco se le esparcía nos dimos cuenta de una pequeña mejoría, sin embargo, tambien noté que cuando hace calor (que es casi todo el día) su mano se brotaba muchísimo más a comparación de las mañanas y noches donde el clima es mas fresco y se ve mejor, aun asi logramos conseguir una dermatóloga que esta a 1 hora de nuestra casa, hicimos nuestra cita para el día de hoy y salir de una vez de las dudas que teníamos.

Despite the fact that little by little it was spreading we noticed a small improvement, however, I also noticed that when it is hot (which is almost all day) his hand sprouted much more compared to the mornings and evenings where the weather is cooler and looks better, even so we managed to get a dermatologist who is 1 hour from our house, we made our appointment for today and get rid of the doubts we had.

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Esperamos hasta ser atendidos, la consulta para nosotros no fue nada económica si tomamos en cuenta el montón de gastos que hemos tenido estas ultimas semanas, esta semana en particular ha sido terrible pero intentamos salir a delante como se pueda, la doctora nos comento que nuestro hijo es altamente alérgico, su piel es seca y necesita hidratarse y tomar baños con un jabón de niños, prohibió totalmente el uso de otro tipo de jabón, efectivamente lo que tiene en la mano es una reacción alérgica que se ve bastante exagerada por su tipo de piel, cualquier cosa que pueda producirle alergia se va a ver mucho peor de lo que es, en parte sentí alivio de saber que no era nada tan grave, pero a la vez me preocupa el tratamiento que hay que seguir el cual es bastante costoso.

We waited until we were attended, the consultation for us was not economical at all if we take into account the many expenses we have had these last weeks, this week in particular has been terrible but we try to get ahead as we can, the doctor told us that our son is highly allergic, his skin is dry and needs to be hydrated and take baths with a children's soap, She totally forbade the use of any other type of soap, effectively what he has in his hand is an allergic reaction that looks quite exaggerated because of his skin type, anything that can produce an allergy will look much worse than it is, in part I was relieved to know that it was nothing so serious, but at the same time I am worried about the treatment that must be followed which is quite expensive.

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No recuerdo exactamente el nombre que comento la doctora sobre esta alergia, pero desde pequeño siempre he notado que su piel es sensible y ahora es que estamos entendiendo todo de mejor manera, ha sido complicado y seguirá asi, recién salimos de un proceso largo con el odontólogo, tambien tenemos que visitar a un otorrino y el pediatra por problemas respiratorios los cuales le producen una tos severa casi diariamente y tambien mayor riesgo de contagio a las enfermedades que hay en la escuela, desde que comenzaron las clases se ha enfermado muchísimas veces y es muy difícil mantener el animo arriba cuando siempre tiene algún problema de salud, a pesar de todo esto es un niño bastante inteligente y que está lleno de muchísima energía.

I don't remember exactly the name that the doctor mentioned about this allergy, but since he was little I have always noticed that his skin is sensitive and now we are understanding everything in a better way, it has been complicated and will continue to be so, we just came out of a long process with the dentist, We also have to visit an ENT specialist and the pediatrician for respiratory problems which produce a severe cough almost daily and also a greater risk of contagion to the diseases that are at school, since school started he has been sick many times and it is very difficult to keep our spirits up when he always has a health problem, despite all this he is a very intelligent child and is full of a lot of energy.

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Hoy compramos 3 cosas que receto la doctora, realmente son cosas que no conocía excepto por el jabón de niños, una crema para una irritación que tiene en la piel del rostro, el jabón y una crema hidratante, de estas tres cosas la crema hidratante fue la que mas difícil se nos hizo de encontrar en el lugar donde estábamos, decidí buscarla por farmacias en línea y quede bastante impresionada cuando vi que su precio rondaba los $36, acabamos de gastar en una consulta aproximadamente $40 y ahora tuvimos que comprar esa crema, realmente fue un golpe duro, por suerte mi suegro nos ayudo para completar y comprarla, es importante esta crema para hidratar su piel y eliminar un poco esta resequedad que tiene, la doctora nos dijo que lo que tiene en la mano se va quitando poco a poco y esta crema tambien lo ayudara con eso.

Today we bought 3 things that the doctor prescribed, really are things that I did not know except for the children's soap, a cream for an irritation that has on the skin of the face, soap and a moisturizer, of these three things the moisturizer was the most difficult to find in the place where we were, I decided to look for it online pharmacies and was quite impressed when I saw that its price was around $36, we just spent approximately $40 in a consultation and now we had to buy this cream, it was really a hard blow, luckily my father in law helped us to complete and buy it, it is important this cream to moisturize his skin and eliminate a little of this dryness that he have, the doctor told us that what he have on his hand is removed little by little and this cream will also help you with that.

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En esta época del año me encuentro muy entusiasmada por que se acerca navidad, el cumpleaños de mi hijo y las vacaciones, pero el proceso esta siendo difícil, largo y bastante estresante, hemos pasado muchas cosas y situaciones desagradables estas ultimas semanas, hoy resolvimos uno de los miles de problemas que tenemos encima pero a veces siento que ya no puedo mas con tanto, solo quería desahogarme un poco de tanto estrés, espero que todos se encuentren bien y tengan una linda noche.

At this time of the year I am very excited because Christmas is coming, my son's birthday and the vacations, but the process is being difficult, long and quite stressful, we have gone through many unpleasant things and situations these last weeks, today we solved one of the thousands of problems we have on top but sometimes I feel that I can not cope with so much, I just wanted to vent a little of so much stress, I hope everyone is well and have a good night.



Ay mi vida :( que mejore pronto. Si no es una cosa es otra vale


It looks like hand-foot-mouth disease but I hope it's regular allergies! My son got it last year.

Best wishes for the little one.


Oh! I didn't know about this disease, he is still not getting better with the treatment that his doctor sent him, I am thinking of consulting a new dermatologist, how long did it take for this disease to disappear in your son?

Thank you very much for your good wishes!


Don't worry. If that's what it is, then it will take only a couple of weeks. It's painless and usually goes away by itself with some light medication. Consult with another Doctor; hopefully, he will be better soon.
Best wishes for your kid.
