LIL: My contributions to LMAC Image Library - Public art without background

Hello and welcome to my contribution for LMAC Image Library

The purpose of this post is to contribute my photos taken while walking and cycling in Israel to Hive's largest public domain image index¹

Visit Let's Make a Collage community to learn more.

Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, tool, water, can, pot, green
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, soccer, ball, leaf
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, tool, water, can, pot, green
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, tool, water, can, pot, green
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, plant, flower, brown
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, plant, flower, brown
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, animal, insect, butterfly, colourful
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, animal, insect, butterfly, bench, colourful
Public art sculpture at "What is in the garden?" in Holon art, sculpture, plant, tree

All the pictures were taken from sculptures that are permanently installed, available to the public at all times and free of charge. These sculptures can be visited and viewed at any time of the day or night, as they are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are also completely free to view, allowing anyone to enjoy their beauty and craftsmanship without incurring any cost.

If you want to contribute to LMAC Image Library read:

👉 Let's Build the LMAC Image Library!

Additional information:

  • AI generated images are not allowed
  • In case of photographed artworks, they have to be exhibited permanently in public space and accessible without restrictions
  • For help and support contact LMAC Discord ( mention "Moderator" in requests )

¹) All the photos are of public places, taken by @alex2alex with Xiaomi Note 10 Pro and retouched by Snapseed



PS. You will earn more ALIVE tokens if you add #aliveandthriving too as we have a curation project looking for that tag with the largest ALIVE stake in the tribe behind it (@aliveandthriving).

  • The 4 points of #aliveandthriving, the first point is mandatory, then add one or more of the rest, share your journey to thrive in life.

Made in Canva



Has sido curado por @visual.alive, cuenta curadora del token ALIVE del proyecto @visualblock / You have been curated by @visual.alive, curator account of the ALIVE token of the @visualblock project.
Bienvenidas delegaciones / Delegations welcome
Encuentra nuestra comunidad aquí / Find our community here
Trail de Curación / Curation Trail



Posted using Hive Images
