FUD At The Heart Of Crypto Investors!
Fear! Uncertainty! Doubts! A limiting factor for investors since the inception of the so-called cryptocurrency. Fear has been what is limiting most investors from investing into cryptocurrency or why most investors are second doubting on maybe they should invest or not. Uncertainty as well is a limiting factor as being uncertain of a particular thing to do whether to invest or whether not to invest, Doubts is no stranger to all this words as well.
They all work together to deter or more appropriately stop an investor from investing.
FUD has a big impact on crypto enthusiast and on how they play their game. When crypto prices soar high, there's the uncertainty of whether to wait for it to spring up more or sell at that moment in time and they also have it at the back of their mind that the prices might drop anytime in which they will incur losses in! Also, when prices go down, they are left with the decision of whether to buy at that time or maybe wait for it to go dip more. Fear, uncertainty and doubt are pretty much what an average active investor faces regularly in the crypto market.
I would conveniently say that the reason why we have mass loss today in crypto aside from scamming is the result of Fear! Uncertainty! And Doubt!. If you ask me why? Well, when we look at it this way – Many do not sell when they are supposed to because of greed or to furthermore sweet talk it as overambitious. When they don't sell they risk losing all they should have made and obviously it amounts to loss, this is also applicable to when they the prices are low and the are expected to buy but because of fear and greed as well they do not buy until it shoots up losing their chance of making it big with it.
Primarily the best idea to use in this situation is to dollar cost average. By buying little by little over a long period of time whether high or low, but preferably low because it gives more opportunity to buy more with less money. When dollar cost averaging is done there will be limit to how loss is incurred. That means it's also a technique to avoid losses in crypto if you're the long term guy or dude. FUD is supposed to be not part of how we feel or think because the start of FUD is the beginning of loss in cryptocurrency.
I would love to engage more with y'all on this topics. You can drop your comments below and let's talk more on how it has affected all or any average crypto investor in the world today.
I wish you all a great week.