―Sé que algo te abruma desde hace días Vitoria ― manifestó Suguru degustando una taza de té negro en el salón.

Desde que optaron por dormir juntos cada noche, en cualquiera de sus habitaciones, él procuró estar más atento a los sentimientos de la hechicera, ser amable era una de sus cualidades, sin embargo mantener un vínculo parecido a una relación, era una situación completamente distinta, dentro de todas las capas en lo envolvían, establecer esa clase de lazos, le resultaba desconocido, en la actualidad Geto era un hombre con muchos matices, dónde predominaba la distancia, el desapego, cambios de humor bruscos, determinación, inclinado a la racionalidad, convirtiéndose con el pasar del tiempo en un hechicero calculador y enfocado en sus objetivos.

―Creo que estoy embarazada ―expresó la hechicera

Los ojos afilados del brujo se abrieron con sorpresa.

―¿Estás segura? ―indagó ligeramente inquieto
―Quiero despejar las dudas ―comentó ella calmada

Ella estaba segura de su estado, pero quería evitar que el conociera los detalles, sus sentimientos hacía él eran una cosa, Vitoria sentía confianza en muchos aspectos no obstante prefería andar con precaución, dada las nuevas circunstancias.

―Descuida, me ocuparé de eso ―dijo el acercándose a ella ―¿Has pensado en lo que harás?

Su voz era pacifica, cautivadora, transmitía seguridad y confianza.

―Lo mejor será que regrese ―manifestó guardando la compostura, esperando que Geto aceptara la decisión.

Suguru quedo pensativo.

―Muy bien ―dijo con frialdad y cierto ápice de molestia
―Confiaré en ti Vitoria.
Geto se llevó la mano al mentón.

―Esta es una situación inesperada ―pronunció analítico.
―He de admitir, que no tomamos precauciones sin embargó entenderás que tengo otras prioridades.

Aquellas palabras desconcertaron a la hechicera, sabía que Suguru era un sujeto complicado, en el fondo no esperaba responsabilidad afectiva o responsabilidad alguna por su parte, al mismo tiempo sentía que era su oportunidad para regresar, lo que haría más adelante no lo sabía con certeza. El brujo se aproximó a la hechicera:

―Es suficiente para mí ―confesó mirándola a los ojos.

Ella dibujo una sonrisa en su rostro, acaricio los mechones sueltos del brujo y le beso una vez más, conteniendo sus emociones y pensamientos.

―Independientemente del resultado ―manifestó ligeramente apenado ―Podrás irte, respetaré cualquier decisión que tomes.

Ella asintió.

Horas más tarde se despidió de los que llegaron a ocupar un lugar especial en su corazón, conocer la otra cara de la moneda fue inesperado, doloroso y entrañable. A quienes más echaría en falta era a las niñas y a Larue, con respecto a Geto la situación era más compleja, los sentimientos se confrontaban fuertemente y esa dinámica desgastaba, era una situación surrealista en la que por instantes su mente se disociaba, se vio en un torbellino que no paraba de girar, la humanidad, las muertes, las conspiraciones y su propia familia.

«Regresar, aceptar y asimilar.»


“I know that something has been overwhelming you for days, Vitoria,” said Suguru, enjoying a cup of black tea in the living room.

Since they chose to sleep together every night, in any of their rooms, he tried to be more attentive to the sorceress's feelings. Being kind was one of his qualities, however, maintaining a bond similar to a relationship was a completely different situation. Within all the layers that surrounded him, establishing that kind of ties was unknown to him. Currently, Geto was a man with many nuances, where distance, detachment, sudden mood swings, determination, inclined to rationality predominated. , becoming over time a calculating sorcerer focused on his goals.

"I think I'm pregnant," said the sorceress.

The witcher's sharp eyes widened in surprise.

-Are you sure? ―he inquired slightly uneasy.
“I want to clear up the doubts,” she commented calmly.

She was sure of his condition, but she wanted to prevent him from knowing the details, her feelings towards him were one thing, Vitoria felt confident in many aspects, however she preferred to tread with caution, given the new circumstances.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of that," he said, approaching her. "Have you thought about what you're going to do?"

His voice was peaceful, captivating, it conveyed security and confidence.

"The best thing will be for you to return," he said, maintaining his composure, hoping that Geto would accept the decision.

Suguru was thoughtful.

"Very well," he said coldly and with a certain hint of annoyance.

“I will trust you Vitoria.

Geto put his hand to his chin.

“This is an unexpected situation,” he said analytically.
“I have to admit, we didn't take precautions, however you will understand that I have other priorities.

Those words disconcerted the sorceress, she knew that Suguru was a complicated individual, deep down she did not expect emotional responsibility or any responsibility on his part, at the same time she felt that it was her opportunity to return, what she would do later she did not know with certainty. . The witcher approached the sorceress:

“It's enough for me,” he confessed, looking into her eyes.

She drew a smile on her face, caressed the witcher's loose locks and kissed him once more, containing her emotions and thoughts.

"Regardless of the result," he said slightly embarrassed, "You can leave, I will respect any decision you make."

She nodded.

Hours later he said goodbye to those who came to occupy a special place in his heart. Knowing the other side of the coin was unexpected, painful and endearing. The ones he would miss the most were the girls and Larue, with respect to Geto the situation was more complex, the feelings were strongly confronted and that dynamic was exhausting, it was a surreal situation in which for moments his mind was dissociated, he found himself in a whirlwind that never stopped spinning, humanity, deaths, conspiracies and his own family.

"Go back, accept and assimilate."

Imagen: Composición Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Fanfiction inspirado en Jujutsu Kaisen Versión exclusiva para HIVE | @agvdrummer
Image: Composition Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Jujutsu Kaisen inspired fanfiction Exclusive version for HIVE | @agvdrummer
