Al alba. Vitoria estiró su brazo, acariciando las frías sabanas, en búsqueda del hechicero, descubriendo, que se encontraba sola, abrió sus ojos examinando la estancia, soltando un suspiro, al entender que Suguru Geto le había abandonado en algún momento de la madrugada, dejándola allí, tendida, en una atmosfera que pasó de ser cálida a helada en un santiamén. Aceptó la situación de inmediato, se recompuso sobre la cama, repasó los acontecimientos y supo que aquello no significaba nada.

Ese día el agua se sintió como hielo, lo dulce era amargo, el sabor de los alimentos cenizas, la melancolía azotó su estómago una vez más, sintiéndose peor que antes, cuestionando el desliz de esa noche, admitiendo su error, sin dejarse abatir por completo, frunciendo su ceño, suavizando su rostro, mordiendo sus labios, aceptando todas las emociones y contradicciones, con las que su confundido cuerpo respondía.

Pasó el resto de las horas en soledad, al parecer ese día todo estaban ocupados, durante la tarde escuchó el bullicio que hacían los idolatras que acudían a él por diferentes razones, sopesó ir a verlo, en su lugar de siempre, tendido en el pedestal, sin embargo decidió evitarlo. Aunque de cierto modo, saber que estaba cerca, le transmitía consuelo.

Se encontró de frente a Larue.

―Extrañé nuestra tertulia matutina ―comentó la hechicera.
―¡Querida! ―expresó con su vocecita pacifica ―Hoy fue un día ajetreado linda.
―Ya veo ―contestó intrigada.
―¿Cómo pasaste el día? ―indagó el rubio.
―Como cualquier otro ―dijo la chamán girando sobre sí ― Mientras practicaba con la espada quise cortarles la cabeza a esos idiotas ―añadió señalando hacía los hombres que la custodiaban.

Larue soltó una carcajada.

―Te lo juro Larue, me exasperan ―manifestó torciendo los ojos.
―Solo ignóralos querida ―dijo entre risitas.
―Geto absorbió muchas maldiciones el día de hoy ― comentó el hombre ―Está irritado.

Vitoria hizo una mueca de indiferencia.

―Llevamos alrededor de dos mil de ellas ―comentó inocente.

La hechicera arqueó la ceja.

―¿Por qué me cuentas todo esto?
―Eres de la familia reina ―manifestó incauto ―¿Acaso Suguru no te lo ha contado?
―Prefiero limitar mis conversaciones con él ―dijo con amargura.

Larue se sentía tranquilo contándole ese tipo de detalles a Vitoria, después de todo sabía que ella que estaba retenida, pero también le tenía confianza, por otro lado era un sujeto pacífico y despreocupado en muchos aspectos.

―Qué raro ―comentó el hombre ―Suena como si estuvieses molesta, ayer pensaría que…

Hizo una pausa y guardo silencio.

―Nada, supongo que sigues afligida ―dijo desviando sus palabras
Ella alzó sus hombros.

―La muerte es algo a lo que estamos acostumbrados ― dijo cabizbaja ―Pienso principalmente en mi madre.
―Extrañaré a Magnus, no te mentiré ―manifestó con una mirada desolada ―Es solo que… Todo esto es tan raro.

Larue ladeo su cabeza.

―Entiendo lo que dices ―dijo empatizando con ella ―Tu mente.

El rubio silbo imitando un estallido con sus manos en la cabeza.

―Algo así ―afirmó.

―Quisiera que formaras parte de nosotros, ya sabes, de una manera permanente, pero eres una de esas hechiceras… que encuentran, correcto… el balance actual.

Vitoria sintió.

―En ese caso será complicado que regreses antes ― admitió el rubio.
―Suguru es un tipo calculador y dejarte ir, representara… un inconveniente.

Ella exhaló.

―Lo sé ―expresó con resignación y desagrado.

Los siguientes dos días transcurrieron casi de la misma forma, evitándose mutuamente, con el pasar de las horas dejó de importarle su indiferencia, distrayéndose junto a Larue, riendo con las excentricidades de Nanako y la ternura de Mimiko. Todo había regreso a una relativa normalidad.


At dawn. Vitoria stretched out her arm, caressing the cold sheets, in search of the sorcerer, discovering that she was alone, she opened her eyes, examining the room, releasing a sigh, realizing that Suguru Geto had abandoned her at some point in the early morning, leaving her there. , lying, in an atmosphere that went from warm to freezing in a flash. He accepted the situation immediately, recomposed himself on the bed, reviewed the events and knew that it meant nothing.

That day the water felt like ice, the sweet was bitter, the taste of the food was ash, melancholy hit his stomach once again, feeling worse than before, questioning the mistake of that night, admitting his mistake, without letting himself be discouraged by it. complete, frowning, softening his face, biting his lips, accepting all the emotions and contradictions, with which his confused body responded.

He spent the rest of the hours in solitude, apparently that day everyone was busy, during the afternoon he heard the noise made by the idolaters who came to him for different reasons, he considered going to see him, in his usual place, lying on the pedestal However, he decided to avoid it. Although in a way, knowing that he was close gave him comfort.

He found himself facing Larue.

“I miss our morning talk,” commented the sorceress.
-Dear! ―He expressed with his peaceful little voice. ―Today was a busy day, dear.
“I see,” she answered, intrigued.
-How was your day? ―the blonde inquired.
"Like any other," said the shaman, turning around. "While I was practicing with the sword, I wanted to cut off the heads of those idiots," she added, pointing toward the men guarding her.

Larue laughed.

“I swear, Larue, they exasperate me,” he said, twisting his eyes.
“Just ignore them dear,” he said between giggles.
"Geto absorbed a lot of curses today," the man commented. "He's irritated."

Vitoria made a face of indifference.

“We have around two thousand of them,” he commented innocently.

The sorceress raised her eyebrow.

"Why are you telling me all this?"
"You are from the queen family," he said unsuspectingly. "Hasn't Suguru told you?"
“I prefer to limit my conversations with him,” he said bitterly.
Larue felt calm telling those types of details to Vitoria, after all he knew that she was being held, but he also trusted her, on the other hand he was a peaceful and carefree individual in many aspects.

"How strange," the man commented. "It sounds like you're upset, yesterday I would have thought that..."

He paused and remained silent.

"Nothing, I guess you're still upset," he said, diverting his words.

She raised her shoulders.

"Death is something we are used to," she said, crestfallen. "I think mainly of my mother."
"I'll miss Magnus, I won't lie to you," he said with a devastated look. "It's just... This is all so weird."

Larue tilted her head.

"I understand what you're saying," he said, empathizing with her. "Your mind."

The blonde whistled imitating an explosion with his hands on his head.

“Something like that,” he stated.
“I would like you to be part of us, you know, in a permanent way, but you are one of those sorceresses... who find, right... the current balance.

Vitoria felt.

"In that case it will be difficult for you to return sooner," the blonde admitted.
"Suguru is a calculating guy and letting you go would represent... an inconvenience."

She exhaled.

“I know,” he expressed with resignation and displeasure.

The next two days passed in almost the same way, avoiding each other, as the hours passed he stopped caring about her indifference, distracting himself with Larue, laughing at Nanako's eccentricities and Mimiko's tenderness. Everything had returned to relative normality.

Imagen: Composición Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Fanfiction inspirado en Jujutsu Kaisen Versión exclusiva para HIVE | @agvdrummer
Image: Composition Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Jujutsu Kaisen inspired fanfiction Exclusive version for HIVE | @agvdrummer
