―Otro maravilloso día en los dominios del narcisista Geto ―exclamó con sarcasmo y en voz alta.

Vitoria comenzaba a tomarse su cautiverio con gracia. Revisó su reloj.

―Allí viene ―dijo señalando a la puerta.

Larue hizo acto de presencia sosteniendo el desayuno de ambos.

―¡Buenos días amiga mía! ―saludó con entusiasmo ―Hoy te ves especialmente bonita.
―Gracias querido Larue ―respondió ―Tú siempre estás radiante.
―Me parece que robare ese acondicionador ―dijo acariciando la larga melena de ella.
―Solo debes pedirlo Larue ―reprochó la hechicera.
―Quitártelo resultaría más emocionante ―respondió entre risitas.

Vitoria hizo una mueca.

―Confiésame algo Larue.
―Lo que quieras ―accedió.
―¿Qué hacías en las montañas viéndonos hace meses?
―Ohhh ―respondió ―Me siento desilusionado, esperaba algo más íntimo.
―Qué pregunta tan desabrida Vitoria ―manifestó ―Por supuesto y lógicamente debíamos saber quiénes eran los extranjeros que colocaban en peligro…ya sabes…nuestros planes, nada importante.

Vitoria soltó una risotada.

―Bien…―dijo la chaman ―Aquí va otra pregunta.
―Dispara ―respondió el rubio soplando la pistola que hizo con las manos.
―¿Qué quiere exactamente Geto de mí?

La hechicera tocaba su cuello incomoda.

―Lo que el señor Geto pretende no lo sé ―confesó ―Pero tiene que ser con tu visita a uno de los templos, que hayas ido supuso una alarma para nosotros y pues… necesitamos entender el alcance de tus conocimientos, con eso de que ves el futuro y toda la parafernalia.

Ella suspiro.

―No sabía mucho… Laure ―explicó ―Haberlo relacionado fue una suposición, no encontré nada en ese templo, más que idolatras del personaje y debería estar en mi casa ahora…de no haber sido por eso.
―Ya veo ―contestó el hombre ―Ahora el problema es que si sabes…entiendes que no podrás irte así…nada más ¿Verdad?

Vitoria estaba cabizbaja.

―No serviré a Geto ―expresó con rechazo ―No me convertiré en una genocida.
Larue chistó e hizo un gesto para que la chaman guardara silencio.
―No te expreses de esa manera ―le recomendó.
―Qué se exprese como le apetezca ―dijo Geto asomado en la puerta ―Yo no ocultó mis emociones y mucho menos el desprecio que siento por los monos
La hechicera se le quedó viendo de una forma retadora. Larue silbó y decidió retirarse de la habitación.
―Hasta cuándo pretendes mantenerme encerrada en estas cuatro paredes Suguru ―le preguntó irritada.
―En este momento son más los motivos que me obligan a mantenerte cerca Vitoria ―dijo serio ―Si vas a tutearme, ten la gentileza de tratarme con la misma amabilidad con la que me dirijo a ti.
―¿Acaso es mucho pedir?
―Me cuesta ser amable con alguien como tú.
―¿Qué es exactamente alguien como yo?

Suguru bajó la mirada, su rostro era amenazante.

―Alguien capaz de asesinar a personas inocentes ―respondió Vitoria clavando su mirada en él de la misma manera.

Geto rechinó sus dientes.

―Te sugiero que tengas más cuidado con la forma en que me miras ―dijo molesto.

Vitoria apretó el puño.

―¿Qué harás si no te respeto? ―cuestionó ―¿Matarme?

Suguru resoplo con ira contenida.

―Como bien sabes no es mi intensión asesinar hechiceros…al menos no sin un fin justificado.

La chaman soltó una risa retadora.

―Dudo que no traspases esa línea justificándolo de cualquier manera Geto ―dijo con frialdad ―Lamento decírtelo, pero un hombre capaz de…
―¿Capaz de qué? ―preguntó alterado.
―Cometer crímenes terribles…incluso contra… sus familiares.

El brujo se levantó histérico del sillón.

―Ningún mono será la excepción ―contestó irritado.

Inhaló aire.

―¿Intentas convencerte de que haces lo correcto? ―contestó la hechicera, su corazón latía con fuerza.
―No hay nada más importante que eso para seguir viviendo ―respondió Geto recuperando la compostura ―No tendrías idea de lo que se siente.

Vitoria estaba desconcertada.
La situación estaba a punto de salirse se control cuando aparecieron dos adolescentes.

―¡Señor Geto! ―exclamaban con entusiasmo ―¡Señor Geto!
Suguru cambió la expresión de su rostro, se mostraba sutil y amable.
―¡Niñas! ―expresó con una sonrisa autentica.
Las adolescentes se quedaron viendo a la extranjera.
―¡Waaao! ―dijeron mostrando asombro.
―¿Ahora eres parte de nuestra familia? ―le preguntaron.

La hechicera estaba confundida, también cambio su expresión frente a ellas.

―Ellas son Mimiko y Nanako ―presentó el brujo.
―Hola ―las saludó con amabilidad ―Estoy de visita unos días, es un placer conocerlas.

Vitoria les ofreció una reverencia y Suguru analizaba a la chaman.

―Ella es nuestra nueva amiga, su nombre es Vitoria ―les explicó mientras jugaban con el cabello del brujo.

La situación era incomoda, la hechicera no sabía que pensar al respecto, veía una faceta del usuario…adorable.

«Tal vez sea una maniobra» pensó.
―¡Queremos ir a Harajuku! ―decían las pequeñas entre risas.

Mimiko se acercó a la hechicera.

―¡Mira! ―decía con exaltación ―¡Este es mi muñeco!
―¡Qué bonito! ―respondió Vitoria ligeramente nerviosa pero amigable.

Nanako observaba a la extranjera de arriba abajo.

―Aggggg ― expresó con reproche ― Eres bonita.

La chaman levantó las cejas.

―Gracias Nanako ―manifestó sonriendo ―Eres muy hermosa, ambas son preciosas ―concretó levantando la mirada hacía ambas.

Suguru asintió feliz.

―Chicas ―dijo sereno y amoroso ―Busquen a Suda para que organice la agenda y podamos ir cuanto antes de compras ¿Si?
Las niñas salieron emocionadas de la habitación, hablando sobre todas las prendas que querían adquirir.
Geto se giró hacía Vitoria.

―Son mis hijas.

La chaman se quedó pensativa durante unos segundos.

―Son adorables ―le comentó con una sonrisa ―Te ves joven ―agregó vacilante ―Lo siento, no pensé antes de hablar.

El brujo sonrió cálidamente.

―Las adopté hace unos años atrás.

En ese momento la hechicera cayó en cuenta.

―Entiendo ―dijo nerviosa ―En ese caso, son afortunadas de tenerte.

Ella estaba siendo sincera en ese momento.

―No soy un monstro como se comenta ―la voz de Suguru era angelical -.
Algo se removió en el pecho de Vitoria. Se sintió culpable por percibir al brujo de una forma menos severa.

No existía vestigio de molestia en el rostro del hechicero, se acercó a Vitoria, lo suficiente cómo hacerla sentir vulnerable.

―Puedes salir de la habitación cuando quieras ―explicó simpático ―No es justo que pases tanto tiempo encerrada, pero no lo olvides… estás escoltada.
Geto acortó más la distancia.

―Larue tiene razón ―dijo cerca de su rostro ―Hoy te ves especialmente bonita.

A Vitoria se le entrecorto la respiración, desvió la mirada.
―Gracias ―contesto tajante.

El brujo se rio mientras se alejaba de ella.

―Nos vemos después hechicera.

Vitoria se sentó de golpe, sosteniendo su cabeza en cuando Geto se fue.
«Céntrate.» se repetía una y otra vez «Recuerda… el sujeto es un criminal»


“Another wonderful day in the domain of the narcissistic Geto,” he exclaimed sarcastically and loudly.

Vitoria was beginning to take her captivity with grace. He checked his watch.

“There he comes,” he said, pointing to the door.

Larue appeared holding their breakfast.

-Good morning my friend! ―He greeted enthusiastically. ―You look especially pretty today.

"Thank you, dear Larue," he replied. "You are always radiant."
“I think I'll steal that conditioner,” he said, stroking her long hair.
"You just have to ask for it, Larue," the sorceress reproached.
“Taking it off would be more exciting,” he responded between giggles.

Vitoria grimaced.

―Confess something to me Larue.
“Whatever you want,” he agreed.
"What were you doing in the mountains seeing us months ago?"
"Ohhh," he responded, "I'm disappointed, I was expecting something more intimate."

"What a dull question, Vitoria," he said. "Of course and logically we had to know who the foreigners were who were endangering... you know... our plans, nothing important."

Vitoria laughed.

“Well…” said the shaman. “Here's another question.
“Shoot,” the blonde responded, blowing on the gun he made with his hands.
"What exactly does Geto want from me?"

The sorceress touched her neck uncomfortably.

"I don't know what Mr. Geto intends," he confessed. "But it has to be with your visit to one of the temples, the fact that you went was an alarm for us and well... we need to understand the extent of your knowledge, with what you see." the future and all the paraphernalia.

She sighed.

"I didn't know much... Laure," he explained, "Having related it was an assumption, I didn't find anything in that temple, other than idolizations of the character and he should be in my house now... if it hadn't been for that."
"I see," the man answered. "Now the problem is that if you know... you understand that you won't be able to leave like this... just like that, right?"

Vitoria was crestfallen.

"I will not serve Geto," she expressed with rejection. "I will not become a genocide."

Larue whispered and gestured for the shaman to remain silent.

"Don't express yourself that way," he recommended.
"Let him express himself however he wants," said Geto, leaning in the door. "I did not hide my emotions, much less the contempt I feel for monkeys."

The sorceress stared at him in a challenging manner. Larue whistled and decided to leave the room.

"How long do you try to keep me locked up in these four walls, Suguru," she asked irritably.

"At this moment there are more reasons that force me to keep you close, Vitoria," he said seriously.
"Is that too much to ask for?"
“It's hard for me to be nice to someone like you.
"What exactly is someone like me?"

Suguru looked down, his face threatening.

"Someone capable of murdering innocent people," Vitoria responded, fixing her gaze on him in the same way.

Geto ground his teeth.

“I suggest you be more careful with the way you look at me,” he said annoyed.
Vitoria clenched her fist.

"What will you do if I don't respect you?" ―he questioned. ―Kill me?

Suguru snorted with suppressed anger.

―As you well know, it is not my intention to murder sorcerers...at least not without a justified purpose.

The shaman let out a challenging laugh.

"I doubt you wouldn't cross that line by justifying it in any way Geto," he said coldly. "I'm sorry to tell you, but a man capable of..."
"Capable of what?" ―he asked upset.
―Commit terrible crimes…even against…their family members.
The witcher stood up hysterically from the chair.
"No monkey will be the exception," he replied irritably.

He inhaled air.

"Are you trying to convince yourself that you're doing the right thing?" ―the sorceress answered, her heart beating strongly.
"There is nothing more important than that to continue living," Geto responded, regaining his composure. "I would have no idea what that feels like."
Vitoria was taken aback.

The situation was about to get out of control when two teenagers appeared.
"Mr. Geto!" ―they exclaimed with enthusiasm ―Mr. Geto!

Suguru changed the expression on his face, he was subtle and kind.

"Girls!" ―he expressed with a genuine smile.

The teenagers stared at the foreigner.

―Waaaao! ―they said showing astonishment.
"Are you part of our family now?" -They Asked.

The sorceress was confused, her expression also changed in front of them.

“These are Mimiko and Nanako,” the witcher introduced.
"Hello," he greeted them kindly. "I'm visiting for a few days, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Vitoria offered them a bow and Suguru analyzed the shaman.

“She is our new friend, her name is Vitoria,” he explained to them while they played with the witcher's hair.

The situation was uncomfortable, the sorceress didn't know what to think about it, she saw a side of the user...adorable.

"Maybe it's a maneuver," he thought.
"We want to go to Harajuku!" ―the little ones said between laughs.

Mimiko approached the sorceress.

-Look! ―he said with excitement, ―This is my doll!
-How beautiful! ―Vitoria responded slightly nervous but friendly.

Nanako looked the foreigner up and down.

"Aggggg," he said reproachfully, "You're pretty."

The shaman raised her eyebrows.

“Thank you Nanako,” he said smiling. “You are very beautiful, they are both beautiful,” he said, looking up at both of them.

Suguru nodded happily.

"Girls," he said serenely and lovingly, "Look for Suda to organize the agenda and we can go shopping as soon as possible, yes?"
The girls left the room excitedly, talking about all the clothes they wanted to buy.

Geto turned towards Vitoria.

-Are my daughters.

The shaman remained thoughtful for a few seconds.

"They're adorable," he commented with a smile. "You look young," he added hesitantly. "I'm sorry, I didn't think before speaking."

The witcher smiled warmly.

—I adopted them a few years ago.

At that moment the sorceress realized.

"I understand," she said nervously. "In that case, they're lucky to have you."
She was being sincere at that moment.

"I'm not a monster as people say," Suguru's voice was angelic.
Something stirred in Vitoria's chest. He felt guilty for perceiving the witcher in a less severe way.

There was no trace of annoyance on the sorcerer's face, he approached Vitoria, just enough to make her feel vulnerable.
"You can leave the room whenever you want," he explained pleasantly. "It's not fair that you spend so much time locked up, but don't forget... you are escorted."

Geto shortened the distance further.

"Larue is right," he said close to her face. "You look especially pretty today."

Vitoria's breath hitched and she looked away.

“Thank you,” I reply bluntly.

The witcher laughed as he walked away from her.

"See you later, sorceress."

Vitoria sat up abruptly, holding her head up as Geto left.

"Focus." "Remember... the guy is a criminal" was repeated over and over again.

Imagen: Composición Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Fanfiction inspirado en Jujutsu Kaisen Versión exclusiva para HIVE | @agvdrummer
Image: Composition Pixabay.com | Incavas.com | Wallpaper.mob.com Jujutsu Kaisen inspired fanfiction Exclusive version for HIVE | @agvdrummer
