Gelato and Syrup Auto Update: A Few Days to Harvest Fruits (English/Spanish)


It has been a complicated week dealing with a few things to solve, but there is always cannabis that helps you to overcome many problems, on Monday I did a first test of the 9 LB hammer x Ignite but I did not make notes because although I enjoyed the day, I had to solve many things and therefore perhaps I did not enjoy it to the fullest.

Today I'm testing the White Widow making its respective test that I'm preparing to tell you in another publication, which I will do most likely next week, the days go by with ups and downs and we continue in this community, reflecting much of what we are and think.


Fortunately I have the support of those who proliferate here, who keep this ecosystem alive in the Web3, I am getting involved with music while using cannabis therapy that in a sense gives me very good vibes and allows me to observe the world from another perspective, besides being able to capture it forever in the blockchain.


This writing together with the captures of the cannabis plants are a real work of art because being able to make a test of all this has an incalculable value that only the connoisseurs and connoisseurs know and will know how to safeguard.



The Gelato has matured fast and yesterday I added her third and last fertilizer for this last phase, when I was this morning on the terrace I noticed that she produced a lot of resin since yesterday, moreover you can smell the most powerful aroma in the plant and it smells very good.


Today a while ago I cut the Syrup Auto dwarf, I had planned to do it last week but I decided to leave it a few more days, I still think that with what I get from this dwarf plant can last for 1 or 2 days of emergency, but the Gelato is the one that will undoubtedly give the best production.



The White Widow is excellent but I will give more details in the next publication, I just wanted to update the follow-up for this week while I enjoy the advantages of cannabis that are incredible and improve your mood in an evident way.


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Gelato y Syrup Auto Actualización: A pocos Días de Cosechar los Frutos

Ha sido una semana complicada lidiando con unas cuantas cosas que resolver, pero siempre está el cannabis que te ayuda a superar muchos problemas, el lunes hice un primer test de la 9 LB hammer x Ignite pero no hice anotaciones porque a pesar de que disfrute el dia, tenia que solucionar muchas cosas y por ello quizás no la disfrute al máximo.

Hoy estoy probando la White Widow haciéndole su respectivo test que estoy preparando para hablarles en otra publicación, que haré lo más probable, la semana que viene, pasan los días con altas y bajas y seguimos en esta comunidad, reflejando mucho de lo que somos y pensamos..

Afortunadamente cuento con el apoyo de de los que proliferan aquí, que mantienen vivo este ecosistema en la Web3, estoy involucrandome con la música mientras uso la terapia con cannabis que en cierto sentido me da muy buena vibra y me permite observar el mundo desde otra óptica, además de poder plasmarlo para siempre en el blockchain.

Este escrito junto con las capturas de las plantas de cannabis son una auténtica obra de arte porque poder realizar un ensayo de todo esto tiene un valor incalculable que solo los entendidos y conocedores saben y sabrán resguardar.

La Gelato ha madurado rápido y ayer le agregue su tercer y último abono para esta última fase, cuando estuve esta mañana en la terraza percibí que fabricó mucha resina desde ayer, además se puede oler el aroma más potente en la planta y huele muy bien.

Hoy hace un rato corte la Syrup Auto enana, tenía pensado hacerlo la semana pasada pero decidí dejarla unos días más, igual pienso que con lo que saque de esa planta enana puede durar para 1 dia de emergencia o 2, pero la Gelato es la que sin duda dará mejor producción.

La White Widow esta excelente pero daré más detalles en la próxima publicación, solo deseaba actualizar el seguimiento para esta semana mientras disfruto de las ventajas del cannabis que son increíbles y te mejoran el estado de ánimo de una forma evidente.



Still amazed that your plants grow sideways.


If you look closely, maybe it's because of the angle at which the photo was taken, I think that could be the explanation.


it's a joke, because you keep uploading the photos sideways :D


I don't upload the photos upside down my friend, it's just that the photographic capture took them this way and it gives them a more elegant look if you notice it in the perspective.

What has increased in this plant is the aroma and apparently they are right that it is a super potent plant, I will only test them, according to what I see this plant can be harvested at any time but I will give a few more days and specialist houses say that this plant is ready from the first week of October, it seems that they have everything timed in that aspect with this genetics.




Thanks bro for the support, I guess that meme means wisdom, I've always had a lot of respect for owls.


The meme was about your sideways images.

You need to rotate them before posting. If you need help rotating them just tell me and I'll find a tool for you to use.


No bro I publish them like that on purpose, so they look more elegant and you can better appreciate the plant, the same photo application has to rotate the images has always had them haha, but I like to publish them sideways, also when I capture them with the camera I look for that angle.

And the good owl has always represented wisdom, I like that meme.


Lol okay if you are doing it on purpose then go ahead.

Thanks.. found it in tenor


Yes, because remember that before publishing, one can see how the publication is going to be and then I automatically realize how the photos will be in the publication and if I wanted to modify it I would have done it, likewise when an image is very vertical I do not like it and when it is more horizontal it fits more with the format scheme, but the truth is that I do not see anything particular to this but it gives a different perspective is an effect as if you were with the dose and maybe I did it under the effect but it did not look like that by carelessness.


each to their own I guess.. when I see it I assume its an error.


Nothing to do with it, it is totally intentional, you made me remember that we used to wear our flannels backwards when we were younger and people went crazy for that, but still the capture fulfills the intention of showing the state of the plant, because if you notice in the third photo, the capture looks vertical being the side shot, unlike the first ones that were intentional.

Anyway thanks for paying attention, that only reflects that your support in my publications is absolutely sincere and authentic.


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hermano se ven muy bien a pesar de ser pequeñas, lastima que no puedes cultivar plantas mas grandes por la situacion de tu pais pero seria genial verla crecer lo maximo que pueda :D


Si la Gelato de entre todas sera la que tendra una mejor produccion, pero la calidad es de lujo, porque probe, hace algunos dias hice un test a la White Widow y puedo decir que es una de las mejores cepas que he probado el efecto es de lujo, pero dare mas detalles de esa cata en una proxima publicacion que hare mas adelante.

Bueno a pesar de que es ciero que debo de tener cautela y no cultivar plantas tan grandes recuerda que la temporada pasada cultive la Kalimist y crecio tanto que tuve que doblarla, las sativas tienden a crecer un monton, pero la temporada que viene cultivare Kalimist de nuevo y alguna otra genetica y seguro saldran entra medianas y grandes, pero como te dije debo tener cautela.

El aroma de la Gelato es muy bueno esta semana ha madurado mas rapido y pienso que incluso mañana o en par de dias podria cortarla, de igual forma revisare el estado de los tricomas por medio de las capturas macro.


puedes probar el cutivo que hacen algunos en la comunidad, de doblar levemente las ramas para que crezca mas a lo ancho y menos a lo alto :D


Si bro ya yo lo he hecho la temporada pasada, en mi perfil lo puedes ver, de todos modos te dejo las publicaciones aqui, para que observes las plantas que cultive su tamaño y como las doble para controlar la altura:
