Yam, Empty Bag Planting, Soil, Manure
Most people usually complain why they don't farm is because they don't have enough space to farm. In the present world, one may not really need to have the whole plots of land before he can farm as a farmer. A bag of cement or any other one can easily serve as a plot of land so all a farmer who doesn't have enough space of land to farm is to get herself empty sack or cement bag and fill it with soil. The same way the land we cultivate and plant our crops will grow whatever we have to plant is the same way it'll using a sack bag to plant but the difference is that we have to prepare to sack bag soil to be in a good condition.
Where i wanted to plant my was fenced thereby making me not to have enough space again to plant my yam. Because I have already saved most of the yam to be planted which I wouldn't wish any of them to spoil without being planted. So the only solution was for me to go into the use of empty cement bag to plant the yam. It was not difficult for me to get the empty cement bag. I got them where they were building houses so I begged them for the empty bag after they removed cement from it.
If a farmer wishes to farm with a empty bag the farmer will have to prepare the bag where it'll be conducive for what we're about to plant. If the bag is not prepared we'll starting with a good soil including the addition of a manure, what we'll plant using the bag may not do well why some may not even germinate. So for me, before I planted my yam using a bag, I added a good soil, added natural manure to the bag.
So what a farmer will have to do with a bag before planting is to first make sure that the place where the bags will be kept and crops planted are receiving air and sun to help whatever we have to plant. The next is to look for where a good soil is and we'll use a shurvel to pack the soil there and pour them into the empty sack or cement bag we're arranging for planting of yam.
Because I already know that yam do most well using a natural manure so, when I was filling the empty cement bag with a soil. I'll add small soil, add some old or decayed weeds, add soil again, add another decayed particles. This method is what I did till I filled the whole bag with soil and decayed weeds. The decayed weeds will decay more and turn to a manure for the yam I planted.
It's not in anyway good that after adding natural manure to the bag together with soil for a farmer to plant her yam or any other crop immediately so it's important for a farmer to allow the manure to settle with the soil for at least four days before planting.