Hive Open Mic week 222 paz 🕊️ Cover @adrianalara 🕊️ Paz en la tormenta 🕊️


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Bendiciones para todos, Dios les bendiga y espero que tengan un exelente fin de semana, ya estamos en la semana #222 con la temática paz y la verdad crei que no iba poder subir mi presentación por justo tengo 2 dias con malestar de gripe y dolia mucho la garganta, pero me llene de paz y me puse a buscar una canción y me conseguí con esta que escuche hace mucho años

Blessings to all, God bless you and I hope you have a great weekend, we are already in week #222 with the theme peace and the truth is I thought I would not be able to upload my presentation because I have just been sick for 2 days with the flu and it hurt my throat a lot, but I was filled with peace and I started looking for a song and I found this one that I heard a long time ago

Paz en la tormenta
Canción de Kike Pavón
esta cancion tiene una letra muy hermosa, aparte me lleno me dio paz , e pasado 2 semanas fui fuerte en la salud y luego después cayo mi familia con esa gripe y yo aun con el malestar tenia que levantarme y atenderlos a todos, alli es donde escucho esta cancion y pude tener paz porque se que mi Dios esta conmigo y el me da esa paz y esa esperanza para seguir adelante, a veces pasamos por muchas cosas y nos llenamos de angustia y desespero y lo que menos tenemos es paz, pero mi Cristo dice mi paz os dejo , mi paz os doy , y yo creo esa palabra, esta cancion no se me hizo nada facil en tocarla ni cantarla pero hice el intento saludos

Peace in the storm
Kike Pavón song
This song has very beautiful lyrics, besides it filled me up, it gave me peace, and after 2 weeks I was strong in health and then later my family came down with that flu and even with the discomfort I had to get up and take care of everyone, that's where I listened to this song and I was able to have peace because I know that my God is with me and he gives me that peace and that hope to move forward, sometimes we go through many things and we are filled with anguish and despair and the last thing we have is peace, but my Christ says my peace I leave you, my peace I give you, and I believe that word, this song was not easy for me to play or sing it but I tried, greetings

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Whoa, what a fantastic performance! You did a fantastic job covering this song. I hope your condition has improved. The Lord is the source of your strength.


Esta canción me encantó desde la primera vez que la escuché, es realmente hermosa. Necesitamos mucha paz en el mundo. Tu cover está muy bonito amiga.
Bendiciones abundantes!


Sin duda alguna que debemos entregarle todos nuestros problemas y tribulaciones a Dios y encontraremos esa paz deseada. Buena entrada querida @adrianalara , espero mejoren pronto todos, está gripe es fuerte yo no he podido salir de ella todavía. Bendiciones🥰🙏❤️💙💛💕


Wao, awesome performance and great theme interpretation. May God's peace continue to abide with you and perfect your healing.



Wow the cold has got nothing on you. This was a gem of a performance. I wish you didn't stop singing. Your voice is so pure and sincere, a truly beautiful performance 👏. Bravo Adriana ✨.
