The Role of Nutrition in Your Mental Health: How Your Diet Affects Your Mood


Whether we like it or not, we can not deny the fact that mental health is an important aspect of our wellbeing that should not be joked with. It encompasses a lot of things in us that we should not joke with. It deals with how we talk, fee, behave and our mood generally. When it comes to the topic of mental health, I will say there are lots of factors that contribute to it and one of the most common factors that we always overlook is the nutrition factor. Many of us might not know but the truth is our food that we constantly eat daily has a way of affecting our brain function either positively or negatively.

At the end of the day, those brain function affect the mood we have, the stress levels and every other things about us that summed up our mental health. There is a strong connection between the nutrition and the mental health that many of us are not actually aware of most of the time. Let me start by establishing the Gut-Brain Connection. I believe many of us might be hearing this for the first time if you are reading this. In case you don't know, our gut shelter billions and trillions of microorganisms, and these microorganisms produce chemicals that have a crucial part in helping us to regulate our mood and even our emotions at the end of the day.


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Let me also talk briefly about some nutrients that affects and impact our mental health. The first one is the Omega-3 Fatty Acids. If you are a fish lover especially the fatty fish, then you might not know but you are consuming huge nutrients that will help position your mental health positively. Omega-3 Fatty Acids helps in actually building up and also repairing the brain cells and this helps to fight against what is called brain degeneration. When your body has Omega-3 Fatty Acids in high quantity in your body, it can help you to fight against depression and anxiety.

The second nutrients I will like to talk about is B Vitamins also. According to my research, I have come to discover that the B vitamin family examples like the B6, B12 helps in producing chemicals like the serotonin and dopamine. We also have the magnesium that helps to regulate stress in you. When you have deficiency in magnesium, what happens is that it leads to irritability, anxiety and even depression. You can do yourself and your mental health valuable goods by consuming foods like spinach, almonds and bananas which are rich in magnesium.


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Let me move also to the aspect of the Blood Sugar Stability and also Mood Swings. This was also a shocker to me when I learnt about this but do you know that there is a strong relationship between your blood sugar levels and your mood. If you are a lover of sugar or foods and junks that contains high level of sugar, it can really affect your mood swings and this can produce feelings of anxiety, depression and many more. And that is why, everyone of us must learn to. Consume complex carbohydrates like vegetables, legumes and also grains. These can help to stabilise your blood sugar levels and helps to reduce mood swings. Most especially if you are a lady, this is a habit you should constantly practice.

I will have talked in depth today about the impact of processed foods on our mental health but let me just touch it briefly. We might not know but processed food can negatively impact our mental health. I have come to discover that there are lots of processed foods that consist of unhealthy fats and addictives. This can cause inflammation both in our body and even in our brain. In case you did not know, inflammation can lead to the cause of mental health disorders like depression.

As I conclude, there is so much of importance of hydration that we should not joke with. In as much as you are consuming the necessary nutrients probably the ones I have listed or beyond, then you should pay attention to hydration also. When you have high dehydration, it can affect your mental health negatively to the point whereby it can cause poor concentration and also Mood swings. I will recommend this lifestyle of diaky drinking water in large quantity every blessed day as this will help your brain to function quite well.

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Great information dear 💋
Thanks allot


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