We finally saw snow this year, photography in the forest
We finally saw snow this year, photography in the forest
In our trip this year, this was the only snow we saw, pieces of snow that remained on the ground
We went to the heights and were next to a waterfall when we saw that there was a little snow left
I suggested that we draw emoticons on the snow and take this funny picture for laughs, which I really liked
We had a late lunch there and drove for about two hours until we reached home, although we are still traveling and stayed here until next week.
Photography of algae on a tree branch and at night by the lake
Next to the snow, I saw a tree branch with algae growing on it
The color is really beautiful and I had to take a picture of it
After that day, one night we went to the lake near the house, which is five minutes away by car
I always like the reflection of the lights in the water
And the reflection of car lights on the asphalt on the ground on rainy days
When we got there, my husband said the lights you like to look at
And I really love how beautifully they stand out in the water of the lake
After a long week here, today I accepted that we have to stay here for another week
And I don't know how it will pass because I really miss home