Tipping Should Be Free Will And Not By Compulsion


Tipping is a way of expressing gratitude to someone for a service rendered. I see it as a way of encouraging an individual for a work done. But at times people do take it for granted. Some people have made it so mandatory, when someone offers you a tip, it's a privilege, not a right. But it seems some people have turned it into a compulsory thing, without you tipping them they won't render the required service needed, which is quite bad.

I believe it should be a free will, not by force. There is no honour in forcing people to give tip for a service rendered, remember that they are being paid for the services they offer by their employers. It seems this act of mandating people to collect tips is mostly common in offices, especially the administrative department.

I remember some years back when I traveled to an organization outside my state. The purpose of traveling was to collect a certificate, which I need urgently to progress in my line of career. It was so urgent that I had to borrow money from a friend to embark on the journey. I was quite amazed after paying the required amount to collect the certificate, the secretary requested for a tip. I pleaded with her and explained my situation to her that I don't have much on me and that if I give her out of the money left it will affect my transport fare back home. But this woman insisted and said if I didn't tip her, she wouldn't release the certificate to me.

At first, I thought it was a joke until she requested I leave her office, if I'm not ready to tip her, I pleaded, I cried, yet she still insisted on collecting a tip. I had no choice but to borrow money just to tip her. It was so disheartening and I wonder how heartless she was all in the name of collecting a tip.

I see the act of forcing people to collect tip as a way of extorting people, which is really bad. This act is not limited to the organization alone but also to the judiciary system as well.

Early this year, I went to a wedding, the wedding was a court wedding. The court wedding started around 10 am in the morning. After the taking of the vow and joining of the couple. It was time for the signing of the certificate. The parents of the bride and groom were asked to pay some amount of money each before they could sign the certificate. Later they asked both the best lady and best man to pay too. After they signed the certificate, one of the registry staff mandated the groom's parent to give them a tip and this got the groom's father angry. It was really a serious issue. It wasn't until they gave them a tip that the couples could collect their wedding certificate.

In conclusion, I believe tip should be given at free will not by compulsion.

Thanks for reading.

0.883 NEOXAG


Tipping should be free indeed and not by compulsion.

Thanks for sharing this with us

0.000 NEOXAG

Tipping should not actually be compulsory. It is a thing that comes from the heart.

0.000 NEOXAG