RE: Random Spiel, Been Thinking About How There's A Lack of Incentives to be Honest
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By the way, couldn’t some of those people be reported for fraud?
To catch fraud you need to devote more resources like tax money to fix the system. And even if you do get some, the fines don't mean much and end up wasting a lot of people's time. It's petty but all these add up and the quickest solution I could think of is just being more strict with the issuance of the ID's and verification.
These people know it's wrong but take advantage of the system because they feel that businesses already take profit from them a lot never realizing how much 1 person can multiple into more people doing it that becomes a burden to the society in general. I don't have optimistic views about the government but that shouldn't stop people from doing the right thing at the individual level if they can.
Like an old Japenese proverb I got somewhere from the internet long forgotten, "the fall of society starts with the individual", so I pay my taxes and bitch about the government's services because that's cooler than taking advantage of the system for self gain while also bitching how the system is unfair for them.
Silly question of me. Bureaucracy, the double edged sword. 🗡️
“know it’s wrong and…” Victim’s entitlement.
I appreciate you.