Lord Rafael [ESP-ING]

Lord Raphael.png

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Ese día lo cambio todo en el mundo de Rafael se había alterado para siempre, había vivido una mentira durante 25 años, acababa de descubrir que era adoptado, nunca había sentido rechazo o que sus padres hicieran alguna diferencia entre él y sus hermanos, pero si creía que él no se parecía mucho a sus hermanos, tal vez a algún bisabuelo, pero era amado como el resto de sus hermanos, de eso no había duda.

La verdad llegó a él de la manera menos esperada, una anciana se le acercó en la tienda, lo miro fijamente, con cara de asombro y le dijo que era el vivo retrato de Lord Bedford, Rafael se quedó sorprendido, pero creyó que se trataba de una confusión y siguió su camino, al llegar a casa y comentar lo ocurrido noto que la mirada de sus padres deslumbro algo de temor.


from PxHere

Días después volvió a encontrar a la anciana en la plaza y la abordo, resulto que había llegado hacía poco al pueblo para vivir allí con su hija y al verlo de nuevo le llamo por ese apellido incluso en ese momento le dijo Lord, así que se sentó a hablar con esta señora cuyo nombre era Norma, resulto que había sido el ama de llaves de este Lord y le contó como ese hombre había sido perseguido y por ello tuvo que enviar a su nieto, quien era su único familiar sobreviviente, lejos para salvar su vida, ella solo recordaba que el mayordomo que lo había sacado de la mansión tenía por nombre Bautista.

Mientras la señora Norma continuaba hablando, Rafael estaba en shock, miraba los labios de la señora moverse, pero casi no prestaba atención a sus palabras, desde que pronuncio el nombre de su padre o de quien decía serlo; volvió a casa, muy alterado y con ganas de saber que tan cierto era aquello, así que como era de esperarse esa noche hubo un enfrentamiento en casa y descubrió que sus padres y él no tenían la misma sangre, es cierto que lo habían amado y dado todo, pero le habían mentido.


from PxHere

Tras conversar con ellos, descubrió que sus padres biológicos habían muerto en un extraño accidente, que su familia tenía muchos enemigos y que, cuando su abuelo descubrió que querían acabar con ellos, envió a su nieto lejos, para protegerle, tal cual le había contado la señora Norma.

Ese día Rafael decido volver a su hogar a buscar a su abuelo, no solo para conocerlo, también para apoyarlo y defender su legado, pues aunque Bautista y su esposa, no eran sus verdaderos padres le habían enseñado lo importante de estar unidos como familia el apoyarse y estar allí el uno para el otro, así que mientras estaba en la estación de combustible a la entrada del pueblo dio su última mirada al lugar que había sido su hogar, por tantos años.

Terminando, esta es mi participación en Cuéntame una historia - 28 de mayo de 2024, a la que invito a participar a mis amigos @germanandradeg y @popurri. Muchas gracias a @cirangela por la invitación.




That day changed everything in Rafael's world forever, he had lived a lie for 25 years, he had just discovered that he was adopted, he had never felt rejection or that his parents made any difference between him and his brothers, but he believed that he was not much like his brothers, maybe a great grandfather, but he was loved like the rest of his brothers, there was no doubt about that.

The truth came to him in the least expected way, an old woman approached him in the store, looked at him fixedly, with an astonished face and told him that he was the spitting image of Lord Bedford, Rafael was surprised, but believed that it was a confusion and went on his way, when he arrived home and commented what happened he noticed that the look of his parents dazzled something of fear.

Days later he met the old lady again in the square and approached her, it turned out that she had recently arrived in town to live there with her daughter and when she saw him again she called him by that surname even at that moment she told him Lord, so he sat down to talk to this lady whose name was Norma, It turned out that she had been the housekeeper of this Lord and told her how that man had been persecuted and therefore had to send his grandson, who was his only surviving relative, away to save his life, she only remembered that the butler who had taken him out of the mansion was named Bautista.

While Mrs. Norma continued talking, Rafael was in shock, he watched the lips of the lady move, but he almost did not pay attention to her words, since she pronounced the name of his father or who she claimed to be; he returned home, very upset and wanting to know how true it was, so as expected that night there was a confrontation at home and he discovered that his parents and he did not have the same blood, it is true that they had loved him and given everything, but they had lied to him.

After talking with them, he discovered that his biological parents had died in a strange accident, that his family had many enemies and that, when his grandfather discovered that they wanted to kill them, he sent his grandson away to protect him, just as Mrs. Norma had told him.

That day Rafael decided to return home to look for his grandfather, not only to meet him, but also to support him and defend his legacy, because although Bautista and his wife were not his real parents, they had taught him how important it was to be united as a family, to support each other and be there for each other, so while he was at the gas station at the entrance of town he took his last look at the place that had been his home for so many years.

Wrapping up, this is my participation in Tell me a story - May 28, 2024, to which I invite my friends @germanandradeg and @popurri to participate. Many thanks to @cirangela for the invitation.


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nothing is hidden under the sun, sooner or later truth surfaces


Absolutely true, nothing remains hidden forever.


25 years is too long for living a secret.


Very much so, notice that he noticed little resemblance to his family, but he was so happy that he decided to ignore that detail.
