Junior, my opossum neighbor

I have had several opossums as neighbors for a few years now, although they have always lived around here, I didn't see them until about 25 years ago. The point is that I have become accustomed to seeing them and I also discovered, after researching, how important they are in controlling pests.
Possums are the only marsupial of the American continent, I know they are not always very pleasing to the eye, especially when they are adults, but as I already mentioned they fulfill a function in nature, they keep at bay pests such as: Spiders, scorpions, mice, rats, cockroaches, crickets, beetles, ticks and snakes, each and every one of these are present in the area where I live, having a considerable extension of green areas, in addition to the proximity to the national park Waraira Repano (Avila), there is always a lot of nature present or come to the area.

Now, on several occasions I have had the pleasure of seeing one or more of my neighbors opossums, but among them there is one, which stands out for being quite large and wearing a coat a little lighter than the rest, I do not know if it is lack of hair or what, but it looks lighter, plus it sometimes comes out in the day and that makes me curious, because as far as I know these animals are usually nocturnal habits.
My husband baptized this particular opossum as Junior, we do not know if it is female or male, but a few months ago it was kicked by a neighbor who was in the park, as they sat right on a bench where one of the exits of its burrow is located and when leaving there, his wife and other women thought it was a rat and this neighbor who was under the influence of alcohol kicked it several times, so I had to intervene, because they almost killed it.

This Thursday when I went down to water the plants because I must be attentive to those that need more water due to the drought I found Junior on my compost, he or she, in addition to other opossums from time to time steal the pumpkin shells and others that I add there, poor Junior when he saw me stayed very still and I withdrew a little to give him space, as it was noticed that he panicked when he saw me.
While I was looking for my phone at home, Junior climbed over the fence and that's where I managed to take these pictures using the Zoom of the camera, because I could see that he was terrified by my presence, I could see that his heart was beating very strong, but seeing how his pink nose moved seemed tender to me.

In the minutes that I was there between the watering of one silver and another, I talked with Junior and looked for angles to take pictures of him, he did not lose sight of me and only moved away when I left the place for a longer period of time.
I know that there are different types or kinds of opossums, in fact I think we have two here, because as I mentioned, Junior looks quite different in size and appearance to other smaller and darker ones that also live here.

It is always very nice to watch my neighbors opossums even when they fight when they are facing each other on the same road, I have even seen them chase each other and fight, I can even distinguish their sounds, some neighbors, it bothers them, it seems stupid to me, I am grateful to live in the city and to be able to enjoy trees, flora and fauna.
Desde hace unos años tengo a varias zarigüeyas de vecinas, si estuvieron desde siempre viviendo por acá, no las vi hasta hace unos 25 años. El punto es que ya me he acostumbrado a verlas y también descubrí, tras investigar, lo importantes que son al controlador plagas.
Las Zarigüeyas son el único marsupial del continente Americano, sé que no siempre son del todo agradables a la vista, sobre todo cuando son adultos, pero como ya mencione cumplen una función en la naturaleza, mantienen a raya plagas como: arañas, alacranes, ratones, ratas, cucarachas, grillos, escarabajos, garrapatas y serpientes, todas y cada una de estas están presentes la zona en la que vivo, al tener una extensión considerable de aéreas verdes, además de la cercanía al parque nacional Waraira Repano (Ávila), siempre hay mucha naturaleza presente o llegan a la zona.
Ahora bien, ya en diversas oportunidades he tenido el placer de ver a uno o varios de mis vecinos zarigüeyas, pero de entre ellos hay uno, que destaca por ser bastante grande y lucir un pelaje un poco más claro que el resto, no se si es falta de pelo o qué, pero luce más claro, además de que a veces sale en el día y eso se me hace curioso, porque hasta donde conozco estos animales suelen ser de habitos nocturnos.
A esta zarigüeya en particular mi esposo la bautizo como Junior, desconocemos si es hembra o macho, pero hace unos meses fue pateada por un vecino que estaba en el parque, ya que se sentaron justamente sobre un banco en el que se encuentra una de las salidas de su madriguera y al salir de allí, su esposa y otras mujeres creyeron que era una rata y este vecino que estaba bajo los efectos del alcohol la pateo varias veces , por lo que tuve que intervenir, pues casi la matan.
Este jueves cuando baje a regar las plantas porque debo estar atenta a las que necesitan más agua debido la sequía encontré a Junior sobre mi compost, el o ella, además de otras zarigüeyas de vez en cuando se roban las conchas de auyama y otros que agrego allí, el pobre Junior cuando me vio se quedo muy quieto y yo me retire un poco para darle espacio, ya que se notó que entro en pánico al verme.
Mientras buscaba mi teléfono en casa, Junior trepó por la reja y allí fue que logré tomarle estas fotografías haciendo uso del Zoom de la cámara, pues se notaba que estaba aterrado por mi presencia, si veía que su corazón latía muy fuerte, pero ver como se movía su nariz rosada me pareció tierno.
En los minutos que estuve allí entre el riego de una plata y otra, conversaba con Junior y buscaba ángulos para tomarle fotografías, el no me perdía de vista y solo se alejó cuando yo me retire del lugar por un tiempo más prolongado.
Se que existen diferentes tipos o clases de zarigüeyas de hecho creo que aquí tenemos dos, porque como mencione, Junior luce bastante diferente en tamaño y apariencia a otras más pequeñas y oscuras que también viven acá.
Es muy agradable siempre observar a mis vecinas las zarigüeyas incluso cuando pelean al encontrarse frente a frente en la misma vía, incluso les he visto perseguirse y pelear, ya hasta distingo sus sonidos, a algunos vecinos, les molesta, me parece una estupidez, yo estoy agradecida de vivir en la ciudad y poder disfrutar de árboles, flora y fauna.

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These animals are super harmless to us and are pest controllers, so if you see them nearby they will keep your house clean of pests. https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/medio-ambiente/las-zarigueeyas-controladoras-de-plagas-y-vitales-en-los-ecosistemas-535978
To me they look funny and I know they are important to control pests my mother explained it to me and then I did some research in fact about a year ago we had to educate a neighbor on this subject he was hell bent on making them look like dangerous animals to humans even by WhatsApp group he was proposing to kill them.
The link you shared doesn't open for me 😒.
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