RE: Tell me about your Steemit Experience Contest! 50 Steem in Prizes!!

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My experience is i spent years on it and then @ned left and didnt tel anyone and sold steemit inc to new management with @elipowell as the face and she neevr posts and gave up and now steem is basicaly owned by whoever stays on here, we do teh work liek slaves, ownership shows up if price goes back up ever

lol steem is just the power company now, u dont invest in USPS oir power company but u can be lkiek amzon build largesty compajy inteh world on STEEm hahaha ;lliek amazon build trillion collar emprie on POSTAl service thatw as unfproatble WE can use an unrpoftabvle steemit icn and steem blockchain to do ssme
