Send Ursula to Jail!!!


I bet that 90% of the people who were vaccinated with the test shots provided by governments worldwide, which were supposed to protect us from COVID-19, now regret their decision. Not only has the whole pandemic been exposed as one of the largest scams in history, but it appears that, as predicted by "conspiracy theorists" like myself, the shots may cause serious health issues.

Many people were barred from entering their workplaces or public places like malls and other institutions if they didn't provide proof of vaccination. I managed to "borrow a QR code" and gained access everywhere, but others weren't as fortunate and had to take the vaccine to keep their jobs and support their families.

Romania has a prominent figure in the European Parliament who has been vocal about the mysterious contracts the EU had with a specific vaccine manufacturer, primarily Pfizer.

image source

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Parliament, was also quite vocal during that time, assuring that strict restrictions were implemented across Europe and that every state should purchase as many doses as possible. It turns out that she and her husband benefited greatly from this situation. Here's why and how:

European Court rules Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, has acted in violation of European law by maintaining excessive secrecy around COVID-19 vaccine contracts.

Ursula von der Leyen is married to Heiko von der Leyen, a German doctor who is the director of Orgenesis, a company owned by Pfizer.

Orgenesis specializes in cell and gene therapies and was a frontrunner in the development of COVID vaccines.

This is the same company that Ursula von der Leyen signed a €71 billion contract to purchase 4.6 billion doses of the COVID vaccine.

I bet neither she nor her husband took any of the shots. They know the truth about what's in these doses, but the financial and political incentives drove her ambition to almost force all states to buy as many vaccine doses as possible from Pfizer. Hungary was one of the few that refused this at all costs. Congratulations to Victor Orban for that!

In my opinion, Ursula von der Leyen should be behind bars. Her influence in the European Parliament, combined with the virtually unlimited funds at Pfizer's disposal to bribe politicians, made life miserable for some of us for about two years. She signed contracts with missing paragraphs, particularly when it came to severe side effects that these vaccines might cause.

It remains to be seen how she will be held accountable for her actions, but if you ask me, she deserves a severe punishment. The pandemic caused immense harm in many ways, and some of these harms can be traced back to her decisions in Europe. What do you think?

Thanks for your attention,


Off with her head! And after that, let's have back all the cash we paid for those vaccines that weren't safe or effective, so we can distribute it among the vaccine injured.


Wow, I'm glad I made the decision not to vaccinate, I won't say I did a lot of research on it, intuition.
