Medium to Well Done


Great workouts require good recovery and healthy eating, and I'm proud to say that today was no exception. I went to the gym on an empty stomach and had a fantastic chest and triceps workout session. After refusing to go to the gym on an empty stomach for some time, I've now returned to this practice.

I'm working towards shedding more body fat from my belly, and I've been told that training on an empty stomach is beneficial, so I do it daily now.

While not a fan of food supplements, I always take creatine and protein isolate powder immediately after my workout. Typically, my first post-workout meal arrives about an hour after leaving the gym.

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When I get home, I usually eat eggs because they're full of nutrients that I need, despite the media's propaganda claiming otherwise. In reality, eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available.

The brain contains a significant amount of cholesterol, so eating eggs on a daily basis isn't as bad as the establishment would have you believe. Steak is also one of my favorite foods, and in this post, I'm sharing a photo of what I just ate – a delicious steak with two small potatoes seasoned with spices and plenty of salt.

There's an abundance of negative propaganda surrounding red meat today, but historically, meat has always been a staple in the human diet. We haven't evolved to consume only plant-based foods. Our grandparents' photos often reveal that they were slim despite consuming ample amounts of meat and eggs.

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The current push for chemically-laden and sugar-filled products while vilifying meat, eggs, and dairy is an orchestrated effort to keep humanity perpetually ill and weak. I'll continue to enjoy my eggs, steak, and fish until the end of my days, regardless of PETA's or other establishment-funded veganism advocacy.

I love my steaks medium to well done, and there's nothing stopping me from having another one tomorrow. Have a great weekend, folks, and see you next time!

Thanks for your attention,


Wow!😀 Such lovely, appetizing dishes.


Your steak is perfectly cooked and looks so delicious. I agree with the diet high in meat and eggs. I have chickens so not only nutritious, healthy, and delicious...but also cheap lol.
