"It's For Your Safety"...
The UK is now paying the toll for importing all sorts of scumbags into their country over the past couple of years or so since "open borders" started to become such a thing. I’ve been calling for this shit to happen for years in advance, but who cares... It’s not like anyone gives a damn about anything these days.
Recently, there have been all sorts of attacks conducted by immigrants on kids and adults in the UK. These attacks are coming mostly from Islamic-driven fanatics whose only purpose in life is to kill as many Jews and Christians as possible. That’s the harsh truth...
A few good months ago, a video interview of a sheikh made waves on the internet. The sheikh was retaliating against the EU, saying that what Europe—while accusing Arab countries of having bad politics—has done over the past few years is import all the low-quality individuals that the Arab countries don’t need.
Europe thought it was cool to do that. Sweden thought it would thrive financially by taking in millions of immigrants from all sorts of shady places around the world, and what Sweden actually achieved with that was turning the country into a complete mess. These people don’t work, have no intent on becoming civilized, and have an appetite for murder.
Not all of them fall into such a category, of course, but there is a high percentage of them that do. What is the UK doing now to combat these animals they willingly imported over the past few years? Well, according to a recent report, the United Kingdom will deploy mass surveillance to "tackle violent disorder" of "mobile thugs."
That means that everyone is a potential thug until proven otherwise. George Orwell must be proud of his books because they are starting to make so much sense lately.
By using facial recognition and also trying to control social media apps and internet traffic with the help of AI, the police state will be able to track down such thugs and gang formations before it’s too late. That’s good, right?
Well, wouldn’t it have been easier if they had not accepted such people into the country in the first place? Instead of policing everyone’s data and movements across the country for a few isolated cases?
I don’t know about you, but my conspirative mind tells me it was all part of the plan. This, to me, smells like 9/11. First, you create the crisis, and then you come up with the plan to "fight terrorism" by getting more control than needed on everyone. They can’t fool me...
On the one hand, I feel frustrated for not living in a civilized country like these renowned ones in Europe, but on the other, I am happy with "the wilderness" we got here... I would definitely not be OK with being policed at every corner of the street, especially knowing that the mass immigration we see in Europe is done intentionally.
What a clown world we are living in... Just look at the Olympics... A biological man is allowed to compete in boxing against biological women... Fucked up world indeed...
Thanks for your attention,