First Day at The Pool This Year
Today marks my first day at the pool. The summer is half way through and I barely got one day at the pool but can’t complain.
We’ve had some pretty torrid days lately and I was thinking for a while about going to the pool but didn’t make it until today.
The best part of the experience was that I got to hang around with a few friends I haven’t seen in a long time today.
They all live in different parts of the world and it’s quite difficult for all of us to gather around. Unfortunately some of them will leave in two days.
The little one included… We will meet again next year though. That’s for sure. Now we’re having a barbecue again.
That’s about it from my side for now. I’m typing from the phone and not in the mood of putting out much words. Anyway…
I wish you all a great day and see you all next time.
Thanks for your attention,