西雅圖水岸風光 My trip to Seattle Waterfront

美麗的都市海景 Stunning city and ocean views

Seattle Waterfront 西雅圖海岸區

各種船隻 Ferries and boats

A path leading to the seaside 通往海邊的小道

寬闊大海 Expansive sea

海邊甲板 Seaside deck
拜訪西雅圖後也想看看海岸風光,於是這一站我來到了西雅圖碼頭區,碼頭區由Alaskan Way沿海人行步道上的52號到70號碼頭組成,有各式各樣的商店和餐廳林立,附近也有很多豪華酒店,是觀光客最喜歡前往的地方之一,我找了個不下雨的日子也走了一下碼頭區,個人覺得海景還是很值得一看的。
我先前往離派克市場較近的66號碼頭,66號碼頭前會出現一座天橋,順著階梯往天橋走,中途經過一個會議中心Bell Harbor International Conference Center,接著就會到達天然的觀景甲板,雖然天色晚了,也不太晴朗,但我還是被眼前的美麗的城市海景給震撼到了。
我也順道參觀了 62 號碼頭,當我在它的海邊甲板上走時,我有種我向大海走去的感覺,四周是真正的海天一色,看著大海的那一瞬間彷彿遠離塵世,所有煩惱全都消失了,果然看海是最好的放鬆方式,這個碼頭也能同時欣賞海景和都市景觀。
如果想要好好欣賞海上風光,其實碼頭上的遊輪之旅也是個很棒的方式,但是漫步於 Alaskan Way 沿海人行步道也是個不會令人後悔的絕佳選擇。
After visiting Seattle, I wanted to experience some coastal scenery, so I made my way to the Seattle Waterfront. This area stretches along Alaskan Way from Pier 52 to Pier 70 and is filled with various shops and restaurants. There are also plenty of luxury hotels nearby, making it a popular destination for tourists. I chose a rain-free day to stroll along the waterfront, and I must say the ocean views were truly worth it.
I first headed to Pier 66, which is closer to Pike Place Market. As I approached the pier, I came across a pedestrian bridge. Walking up the steps, I passed by the Bell Harbor International Conference Center before reaching a natural observation deck. Despite the late hour and overcast skies, I was still amazed by the stunning city and ocean views in front of me.
If you're eager to see more of the coastal scenery, continuing along the Alaskan Way is a great idea. You'll come across cruise ships, ferries, and other boats docked at the piers. Walking further into the piers reveals the vast, endless ocean. Perhaps due to the gloomy weather, there were very few pedestrians, making it the perfect setting to quietly enjoy the serene sea views.
I also stopped by Pier 62, where I strolled along its waterfront deck. It felt as though I was walking straight toward the sea, completely surrounded by a breathtaking blend of sky and ocean. In that moment, gazing at the vast expanse of water, it was as if all my worries melted away. Truly, there's nothing more relaxing than a view of the ocean. Pier 62 offers the best of both worlds, with views of both the sea and the city.
If you'd like to fully appreciate the beauty of the waterfront, taking a cruise from one of the piers is a fantastic option. However, simply walking along the Alaskan Way Coastal Walkway is also an experience you won't regret.
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