Lovely Creamy pints of Guinness for Beer Saturday


Beer Saturday


Sometimes it's the simple things that are best, in fact mostly that's the case. As beers and drinks go it doesn't get much simpler than a pint of plain, a pint of the black stuff or a pint of Arthur. I am of course referring to Ireland's favorite drink, a pint of Guinness.

When I meet a few friends at the pub, it is my go to pint of choice and here in Ireland, unsurprisingly wr have some of the world's best Guinness pubs. I've tried pints in other countries and other continents and they never measure up to what you get here in Ireland. Now you all have an excuse to come and visit!

Not everyone in Ireland drinks Guinness though, others drink beer, cider, wine or shorts. Guinness drinkers may call some of these other drinks pish in jest. One of the non Guinness drinkers was drinking Hophouse Irish lager and some joker had scrapes off some paint so it read "Hophouse Pish Lager" as per below which gave us all agood laugh!


Now back to those tasty tasty pints of Guinness. There are few better pints for having the chats and the banter with friends and family in my opinion. We've been at it since 1759 with the Guinness here in Ireland. Sláinte wherever you are this evening.



Hopefully you are enjoying a glass of beer or something else like a cup of tea or whatever, wherever you find yourself this evening and that everything is good in your neck of the woods. Big thanks to @detlev as always for keeping this show on the road.

These photos are all my own captured on my Samsung Smartphone

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out



Guinness is like a religion in Ireland! Is it nitro carbonated on tap or carbon dioxide? Or there are both of the ways to be served? I think the first one boosts the creaminess a lot, but don’t know the original way of serving it.


Is it nitro carbonated on tap or carbon dioxide?

Good question - it's actually a Nitrogen & Carbon Dioxide mix that is in Guinness, well the one that you get in the pub anyways.

I can see why you asked the questions now though, as those pints were still settling.

Guinness is like a religion in Ireland!

Ha ha, I guess it is ya! Ha ha.
