Battered by Storm Éowyn in Galway Ireland II
Battered by Storm Éowyn in Galway Ireland II
I've actually got some decent 4G now, so will chance another post and try and upload more photos this time, so ya get an idea of what it's been like here in Galway.
Still no Power here now for the last 2 and half days. I managed to post some Three Tune Tuesday results, as I had them pre written to auto publish on Peak D. God bless technology or Jah or Jehovah or whoever your having yourself.
As, I was saying in my last succinct post, we were absolutely battered by Storm Éowyn, the worst storm in Ireland since 1961.
Newcastle in Galway a few miles from our house
Newcastle is a few miles from our house. In towards Galway city. There were lots of trees down, and a power cut, although there power is back since Saturday morning 😒
Ballybane Galway
A friend of mine living on the other side of Galway city, in Ballybane sent these shots on. What a nightmare!
Galway Clinic
Galway clinic got a bad battering too, just look at this photo below to see the extent of the damage 😮
Galway University
The University didn't come away unscathed either, as the photos below show.
Our House
Luckily our house didn't get the worst of it, although we did lose 5 or 6 ridge tiles, as you'll see in the photos that follow.
We also lost our trampoline which had me very worried, as it could have totalled someone's car or house or killed livestock, but luckily a shelter belt of trees stopped it's journey after around half a mile, as you'll see below. I shared these photos in the last post, but I'll reshare now again for those who didn't read my last post.
These flower pots at the front of the house got a proper battering as well as you can see.
Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.
Peace Out

We were very lucky in Tipp. We had an impressive storm but only 2 dog feeding bowls moved slightly to the left. I don't know if the juice went off as we're off grid and have no immediate neighbours. I believe we have more bad winds coming next month. Maybe invest in a generator.
Ya a generator sounds like a good shout, although expensive unless you're off grid, and then it's probably essential. How easy is it to hook it up to the house's electric panel or so you just run a few plugs off it?
Good to hear Tipp got off lightly, Galway got hammered, worst storm in my memory. My Dad said only 1961 compares, which is well before my time.
Didn't see your last post.
This is quite a tussle the storm had with your location.
Glad y'all are safe, tough about the trampoline 😂😂
Thanks dude, going without electricity was challenging, especially with the kids, but we managed.
Just back online myself today.
We took a fair battering as well.
It's been strange without phones or power for the week and thrown everybody out of whack.
Looks like you took a bit of damage but nothing too serious which is good to hear.