Life attracts more life


I am attracted to many things in nature, however, the connection between two living beings is exciting. Being a minimalist I perceive life from a very simple point of view for many things and others I consider especially complex because they are not easy to explain. When I refer to connections I understand that it is a link between two living beings that can be very short but is so stimulating that it brings you to a significant peak of joy.

However, I have also perceived and felt negative connections that wear you down, it is like a kind of symbiosis of a parasitic nature that makes your positive energy go down the drain when interacting with another living being. Perhaps there are those who say that there was no connection if the result was a deficit of energy but from my approach the result of a connection can be positive or negative, without thinking about the result it is a connection, of course, I always want to have a good connection with what surrounds me so I am selective when it comes to giving of myself.


One of the most beautiful connections for me are the ones I have with living beings in nature. From a tiny flower to a majestic tree gives me that spark of life that I don't know what to call it but it ignites some hormone in me that is related to happiness. Animals are amazing when it comes to connections, there is a transparency in the eyes of a horse, a puppy or a kitten that hypnotize me and make me feel an extraordinary tranquility, for some reason I perceive that they also feel it. Although it sounds not very credible, I am one of the people who think that a flower, a tree and a little animal also perceive and enjoy in some way when I have a contact impregnated with tenderness with them, it is a transfer of life to more life, this for me is an authentic and advantageous connection.



Now, when two living beings connect by nature forming a symbiosis of mutualistic character where both benefit, like a bee in a flower, a cigarron in a tree, a bird walking on a bull, more connections are opened because this attracts the attention of another life, that of the human being. At least I am caught by these connections and the joy or amazement that I show attracts another human being and in the end we are many connected with life itself and this is fabulous because I can get to feel how life calls with an almost imperceptible whisper to more life.


With respect to human beings, connections can also be very close and with a short space of time can generate that spark of joy of life that drives me to smile and sustains me for several days. Obviously I cannot have a special connection with all people because the great variety of personalities does not make it possible due to differences in our way of thinking, however, if someone has their feet on the ground and understands that the essence of the human being by nature is love and that this feeling is the most powerful in the universe I can easily have a nice connection because that is my philosophy of life. I don't mean by this that my friends must think the same way I do, but they must feel love and all that it derives in actions so that there can be a special connection.

The point is that every link between two living beings that adds to life more life is an extraordinary connection that we should not disconnect from. And if we want there to be many such connections in our lives, let us radiate life and add joy and well-being to others.



The photos are my own taken with a Realme 7i.




This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.


Thank you very much for your support ☺️

It is very nice to share in this community 🌻💫.


You're so brave to look into the eyes of a horse. What I think of when I'm up that close is that it's going to headbutt me. "What ya looking at, human?" Lol


Do not be afraid, there are very docile horses and believe me that if you start to caress him with much affection he will not do anything to you and you will be able to see that transparent look full of nobility. I love horses 💫💫

From human beings I look more at the actions they carry out and I try to make an effort to know their motivations, when they are guided by a nice feeling, I know I can have a good connection 🌻.

Thank you very much for stopping by my publication and leaving me your appreciation 🤗
