You Are Enough, Period!

Over the years, I’ve realized that nobody in the world knows me better than myself. I believe it is the same for everyone else. We know ourselves more than anyone does because we’re the ones living our lives. However, we’re so quick to listen to what people say or think about us.

Some of us are living our lives in a certain way because of certain things we’ve heard people say about us. Most of us have given up certain dreams just because of that particular comment we heard someone say somewhere. The funny part is, that person who made that remark about you probably didn’t even have the audacity to say it right in front of you but you still let it get to you.

Listen to me, until someone walks to your face to tell you something constructively, whatever you hear about you “somewhere” should be invalid. There are a lot of people walking around with withered confidence which can be traced back to one terrible rumor with no credibility. There are a lot of people who don’t even believe in themselves anymore just because of that one word someone said about them.

It’s very different if you have an honest person constructively criticizing you because they want the best for you. Other than that, I don’t see why we should let people talk down on our abilities. Of course, there are days we don’t do our best but as I said earlier, when that happens you will already know because you know yourself more than anyone else. When that happens, any other side comment about you becomes a bonus and a stairwell for you to walk into the path of self development.

During my first degree, one of my favourite lecturers explained one of his life theories and I grabbed onto it. When someone says you have a big head and you know you don’t have a big head you don’t have to care. Why? Because you know yourself more than anyone else and obviously that statement is very false so what again? Now, if someone says you have a big head and you know you have a big, two things happen.

Already, you know you have a big head and it’s not something you can change so that comment won’t be any news to you. Alternatively, even if you already know and it’s something you can work on, find a way to transform that comment to fuel your actions into making your head small. The mistake you might want to avoid is dwelling on that comment to shrink your confidence. That’s you allowing people to get to you which is so wrong.

I’m yet to meet anyone who is perfect. We all aren’t. You’re doing a great job and you should give yourself some credit for what you can do. If you look back some years ago and compare it to now, I bet you’d say wow for how far you have come. So yes! People can talk down on you and say whatever they want but don’t you dare let it get to you in anyway. Except their opinions pay your bills.

Image is mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I feel every one needs to read this girl! This is fire because it is what it is! I enjoyed it and I’m so glad you shared it with us ❤️


Awww I’m crying 🥹
Thank youuu


Better don’t cry! Go work it out 🤣

You’re welcome girl 🤗



"I’m yet to meet anyone who is perfect. We all aren’t. You’re doing a great job and you should give yourself some credit for what you can do. If you look back some years ago and compare it to now, I bet you’d say wow for how far you have come. So yes! People can talk down on you and say whatever they want but don’t you dare let it get to you in anyway. Except their opinions pay your bills."

Preach!! The only people I have known in my life, that were perfect? My Mother... and God. Your message is so wonderfully conveyed, and the positive meaning is a beacon... A beacon for those who need to see a clearer path. Well done, dear soul...


@tipu curate



Oh yeah I agree. I normally say Mothers are God in human form on earth.
I’m glad I could get my message out to make things clear to people who are experiencing shakiness in their self esteem.
Thank you , Wesphilbin✨


I'm with you 100%. Letting side comments about you weigh you down is a no-no. Instead, use it as a source of energy to do better.


Kind regards @abenad
Thank you for bringing us to socializing and collective learning these pearls of well-being, which strongly manifest the importance of strengthening self-confidence, from the understanding and love of our inner self. Not everything outside is bad, but sometimes it dents and weakens the confidence of weak hearts, because their interior is vulnerable, otherwise the actions or opinions would be slippery.
Thank you, thank you for your presence and contributions to our community. Health and well being !LUV !LADY

Saludos cordiales @abenad
Gracias por traernos a la socialización y aprendizaje colectivo estas perlas de bienestar, que manifiestan con fuerza la importancia de fortalecer la confianza en uno mismo, desde la comprensión y el amor a nuestro interior. No todo lo de afuera es malo, pero a veces mella y debilita la confianza de los corazones débiles, porque su interior es vulnerable, de lo contrario las acciones u opiniones resbalarían.
Gracias, gracias por tu presencia y aportes a nuestra comunidad. Salud y bienestar.


Yeah not everything is bad but whatever it is, shouldn’t affect you.
Thank you Marilour
