Love To Chaos To Zero

People know me to be very friendly which is true but the one thing they don’t know is I don’t even have friends and that’s for my own peace of mind. The very few friends I have are friends I’ve had for 17 years +.

Some years back, I got a best friend in high school. We were inseparable, happy doing everything together. To me, she was literally perfect or you could say I really loved this best friend. Hold on, I forgot to say that I’m also very nonchalant as a person so if I start caring about someone then that person means a lot.
Alright, press play! So this best friend was one of my favourite persons at that time.

She was a prefect in school and I on the other hand was nothing. Honestly, I had my own agenda on that campus and being a prefect would have definitely limited me from reaching the sky(the stubborn ones will get this).
Anytime she offended me and I expressed my disappointment, she would defend herself as if her life depended on it. She always made sure to make it look like I rather offended her. I then would just apologize to her, I mean, I didn’t want to lose her.

It became a normal thing in the friendship. She offends me, I say it, she pins it on me and then I apologize. Sometimes it was really painful but as I said, when I start caring about someone, not even the 37 elders of Heaven can change my mind. There was this particular day that one of our colleagues rushed to my dormitory to tell me to warn my best friend. I just laughed it off because why should I be the one to warn my best friend and not you? To be honest, I wasn’t even surprised because at a point I started receiving a lot of complaints from people about her.

So that was just a normal day in my life where it was impossible to end the day without another complaint about her. I got fed up at a point and just decided to confront her and that’s where my eyes opened. Just after I explained to her all the complaints I had been receiving all this while, she started shouting at me and I also reciprocated it because what do you even mean? It got everyone’s attention and then we both walked out on each other.(It was a whole scene). Whatever love had blinded me, melted down and my eyes opened.

Hurt is an understatement…I was literally weak in the knees and come on! the embarrassment was over the moon because we all saw ourselves as queens in girls’ school. She got punished for behaving like that as a prefect which made me feel guilty but I still couldn’t stand her and anytime I saw her, I got angry. Anytime I saw her, I panicked. Even though I had vow never to apologize, I just had to do it one last time.

I wrote one long apology letter with gifts and sent a junior to deliver it to her one night. She was so excited to hear from me and was ready to be friends again but unfortunately for her, an additional member from Heaven had joined the 37 elders to become 38 elders of Heaven to change my mind about her so I didn’t care about her anymore. On the bright side, it felt like a burden had been lifted from my heart. From that day, I never panicked after seeing her. We became just class mates and nothing more.

Most importantly, I was no more angry after seeing her and I never got any thoughts of pouring super glue on her seat anymore.( I know, I intentionally didn’t add this in the beginning)

Image is mine

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Eii 🤣🤣🤣

This girl!!! I was just pausing and playing up and down since the first pause and that helped me view the scenes 👀.

That girl needs slap, had it been you did not know her this time, so you could slap her and bring her back to reality. She was definitely just somewhat a pushover if I’d be harsh with words but I’m glad the 38th elder came onboard and helped you see better.

I can relate with the aspect of feeling burdened even though you didn’t completely regret telling her what you told her, hehe.

It was totally great reading this 😁


I hope that pause and play didn’t spoil your remote o🤣🤣🤣

Thank you Aunty Maggie


No it didn’t, you have luck 🤣 I would have not hear sorry oo 😅.

You’re welcome Aunty Maggie sister 🤗


I literally had someone like this in my life and I can say with so much confidence that I understand how you feel perfectly. She was unfortunate indeed... 38 elders are too strong. Lol. She needed to go. And I am glad you let her.

Posted using Neoxian City


38 elders are too strong indeed🤣🤣

Yeah I’m also glad I let her go


but unfortunately for her, an additional member from Heaven had joined the 37 elders to become 38 elders of Heaven to change my mind about her

Hahaha,😃 what is this Abenad.. you are just too funny

This kind of apology where you later blocked her access to be your friend again, lolz, but I totally understand you and her type..
Some people are better relate with from afar..


Yeah true, some people are better to relate with from afar

Thanks ma’am


Although you apologized for your part in the squabble - you friendship ended. It is good you could recognise that it was time to move on. Sometimes making these tough decisions are dfficult but is better for one's peace of mind. It seems as though you friend was trouble for many. Your were a different types of trouble - although you did not use the super glue. :-)

Posted using Neoxian City


I’m still keeping that super glue though

Thank you
