What if we never grew into adulthood?😢
Growing up was fun yet I wanted to be an adult. From running under the old cars to dirtying my clothes and not even knowing how to wash them. the laughter was great and pure. No worries. It was a vessel of empty sorrow and a bag full of happiness for everyone. Little did we know the freedom the adults had come with a cost. Yet we wished for that freedom.
Bit by bit we grew. Pain hits us as we never thought. Reality began to unfold. Time began to show us what life was about. The houses and the privileges we had begun to show how lucky we might have been. Through each struggle, we realized it’s a responsibility our parents carried to make us enjoy our childhood. Now it's our turn. Yet we still don’t have it figured out.
Maybe a book about adulthood will help. A book about the struggle to this will give us more exposure. If I knew a day would come when I wouldn’t have a genuine smile, I would have had a lot when I had the chance to. If I knew a day would come when I wouldn’t have the chance to eat the three square meals a day, I would have preserved some for today. If I knew a time would come when not everyone would show me that love, I would have given much attention to everyone who showed me love when I was a kid. If only I knew.
Through struggles, we grow. From each pain, we learn. From each obstacle, we heal. From each disappointment we learn. Lessons that are learned on an easy slate but keep giving us the bitter taste to keep us learning. When we go through all these we then age into the future like never before. The number of days spent on earth is just years but age is how many problems your brain has been able to solve to keep you living. Many grew old when they were 18 years old. The bitter part of life is many had grey hair in their tears. That’s how life made them and they accepted it and lived.
Life will never be fair as you will always see. Make your decisions and wait for the consequences. Life isn’t meant to be all fun. When the bitterness comes, we appreciate the sweet life when it passes through for us. Live as tomorrow will always come and it will be better than today. Believe in life, that’s the only way we can have a bitter smile to hope for a better tomorrow.
As you say life is difficult, but I believe that the only thing that has no way out is death. As long as there is life there is hope for tomorrow, and this is the only thing that sustains me in believing that I will see a better world. Where there are not so many needs, where we all have opportunities and there is peace,
I send you a greeting in the distance @abdul01
Thanks very much. I find comfort in your reply. Im glad you passed by to give me a heart to still believe and hope while I still live. I received the greeting from afar😊