Survival:The Necessity Of Life

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog

The truth remains that the cost of living is high. Families are crying and lamenting each day , wondering how the next day would be.There is no need for pretence because this has not only affected the average or lower class people, I think the rich has also been affected here.


However, it is so pathetic that people are scared of how to survive in the economy of today, the things to do to make it in life. Different kinds of imaginations run through people’s mind daily on how to make it to the next day. It is no longer funny that even people who could survive and live comfortably are also seen in our surrounding complaining of the economy and the hope of surviving on daily basis.

It has gotten to a point where some common things, even the least thing like leaves and mere flowers are sold in the market. We would hear people say are you not aware that times are hard and life is difficult? Meanwhile these are some common things that we could just walk into someone’s domain, request for it and we'll be granted the privilege to harvest it. But in times like this, we dare not try it.

If humans would still have the heart to let go of some minor things and unnecessary means of surviving such as selling some common things like mere fruits, green vegetables e.t.c, I mean life would be a bit better for some persons to survive. Some of this things at times just stays and decays in the hands of the owner and they prefer to trash it, than to give it to some persons looking for it.

The world would really be a better place to live and survive if some things are done the way it should. This can only take place if the people living in it choses to live right and make life simple.

In the same vein, I stand for zero tolerance for laziness, because it is pitiable that most people take opportunities for granted, they tend to misuse them when given the privilege, it's not suggested that an individual who knows that things ought to be done sits down and watch others work and then expects to survive without labour no! I strongly disagree.

With the way things are in our world today, it is better to get up and work so as to lessen the cost of survival and to make life a bit more comfortable. And also aside from that, all fingers are not equal, I think there is still a need and blessings from God in showing others hospitality despite the high cost of living. In a little way we can show others love and contribute to the reason why others live comfortable, putting a smile on someone’s face today and believe me we'll see the world coming a better place.

Thanks for reading, hope you're blessed.
Still remain @abaseddie…love you all.
